
Saturday, February 6, 2021

Girl Guides part 5

Sister Agatha was surprised, her shampoo wasn't foaming as it should, and it had a foul smell. She again tried to have it foaming with running her fingers through her hair. It still wouldn't foam and it released more of that smell. "Another silly French formula, after the face cream with snail slime, the wee-wee shampoo !"
She rinsed her hair and had a big whiff from her usual bottle of shampoo. "Pouah!" With a bathrobe she went looking for shampoo from her next door colleague. She didn't go far, she met all of them in the corridor and heard Sister Maria telling, "Spicy Wasabi Japanese mustard in my toothpaste !" Sister Ursulina chimed back, "Liquid soap in my mouth wash !" Sister Josephina added, "Dead flies in my face cream !"
Sister Maria had her colleagues nodding as she summed up and offered a battle plan, "We have been pranked, and we can't expect the naughty girls to own up because we ask. We have to trick them..."
After more nodding from Sister Ursulina she shared her suspicion and exposed her plan, "I an quite sure that it was those Frenchs, they were on cleaning duty yesterday morning. We will say nothing, we will smile as usual and they will be disappointed. They will want to have a repeat, and we'll set up miniature video cameras in our bathrooms...."
Ten minutes later it was breakfast time and Cécile and Brigitte were expecting to discreetly triumph with fuming sisters demanding culprits. Their roommates who were told of the pranks, turned to them with questioning eyebrows. I whispered, "We did do it all, as we told you !" Cécile confirmed with, "Oui, we did !"
The day's chores were drawn and we again drew cleaning duty. It was very rare to draw the same chores two days in a row. We should have been suspicious. We weren't and daringly repeated our pranks.
Next morning the sisters were again smiling, and Camilla and Dorothy giggled. We were losing face. I drew a yellow ball. The blackboard revealed that I had drawn a day off, our roomies smiled. Then sister Maria announced a "Movie matinée". They wheeled the big screen telly from the library and connected a laptop. Then we discovered that we were the stars of the show with Cécile pouring liquid soap into a bottle of mouth wash, and me spicing up a tube of toothpaste...
"Brigitte and Cécile please stand and take a bow for those performances !" We did and even smiled when a few girls discreetly applauded. Next we were invited to stand on the sisters' platform, 7 or 8 inches above the dining room. Sister Maria teased, "You are going to be awarded a BB badge, which isn't related to Brigitte Bardot. The BB badge is for burning bottoms." 
 I was unceremoniously pulled over the knees of Sister Agatha and Cécile was bent over Sister Josephina's knees. With our heads pointing the same way we could see each others face, and all the girls standing and eagerly watching. Without decorum our uniform skirts were pulled up and our knickers peeled down. I hurriedly closed my legs.
I soon felt that is wasn't the hand of the dear Sister Agatha warming up my bum. It reminded me of grandma's mahogany hairbrush. Oh! Ouch! She is roasting my buns with a hairbrush ! "SMACK! SMACKK!! SMACKKK!!! SMACKKKK!!!! SMACKKKKK!!!!!" SMACKKKKK!!!!!! SMACKKKKK!!!!!!! SMACKKKKK!!!!!!!"
"OUCH! OUiCH!! OUiiCH!!! OUiiiCH!!!! OUiiiiCH!!!!! OUiiiiiCH!!!!!!"
She was tanning my ass. I stomped my feet. I pedaled. I wriggled. She brought my right arm behind my back and continued. In this position I could see a few girls laughing and giggling. “She doesn’t look so cool now does she ?” and “Oh I think she is going to cry, poor thing !” Then they burst out laughing. I gritted my teeth and didn't cry ! I even smiled for a millisecond when I heard Camilla answer the teasers, "Oh shut up ! You're nothing but spineless goody two shoes !"
Then she had me standing with my knickers around my ankles, and my skirt as the entr'acte curtain dropped to cover my fiery moon. Sisters Ursulina and Maria were next. Both my wrists were grabbed behind my back and a knee was pushed between my legs as my skirt was again raised. I couldn't tell if I blushed as red as my derriere when I imagined what I was showing. I understood that part one was played by an amateur, part two was the work of a maestro ! I didn't try to figure the feminine of maestro. I was too busy singing the well punished naughty girl's song, "OUiCH! OUiiCH!! OUiiiCH!!! OUiiiiCH!!!! OUiiiiCH!!!!! OUiiiiiiCH!!!!!!" I sang it even louder than before when she smacked my thighs, "OUiCH! OUiiCH!! OUiiiCH!!! OUiiiiCH!!!! OUiiiiCH!!!!! OUiiiiiiCH!!!!!!"
I was finally stood up and my skirt was rolled up above my blazing butt. A few girls mouthed some "Oh! Whoa!" I had sent my knickers flying, the good sister picked them up. "After ten minutes in the corner you will nicely ask for them..."
In the corner I exposed my glowing and burning bum, but I hadn't rubbed. I would later be told that Cécile had also refrained from rubbing.
Cécile and Brigitte
To be continued...

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