
Sunday, August 20, 2023

American Lafayette girl visiting France, part 5 and Epilogue

After our escapade with boys, and subsequent switching we were grounded the whole weekend. We had to be tour guides for tourists visiting the chateau de La Fayette. American and French tourists were surprised to meet an American Lafayette girl. She had fun with her southern accent, and using more Cajun words than usual. A few tourists noticed that we had received la fessée, and we got extra tips!
The boys called us, and profusely apologized. We told them about our switching and they apologized the more. We had fun with telling them that it was very very severe, and they promised to buy us lunch, and take us to the cinema, and to buy us ice cream. We teased them to no end!
On Monday, we just about regretted to have little evidence of our switching. We wanted to have more fun teasing our boyfriends. They were nonetheless lovely, and did pay for lunch.
Wednesday afternoon, when we had no classes, they took us to the cinema. We had a giggling competition as their hands wondered into our blouses, and continued under our skirts. We overheard a couple of old biddies seating behind us telling that we have le feu au cul, and that it isn't for having received la fessée.
We were nonetheless good girls, and we didn't do "it" !
We joined the local majorettes, and their marching band. Since we were musically challenged the coach gave us cymbals. We marched for the 14 juillet, and were too enthusiastic with our cymbals, she gave us a fessée cul nu with a big hairbrush. We watched the fireworks with our hands up under our skirts rubbing our fiery bums.
We decided to pay her back, and taught the girls how to do cartwheels for the boys' next game of soccer game aka football in French. She said that majorettes don't show their petites culottes, and we got another fessée cul nu à la brosse. When back home, Maman had been told of our shenanigans. She told Papa to give us la grande fessée à la ceinture.
We didn't tell him that it wouldn't be our first, since Uncle Harvey had given us one for breaking curfew back in the Louisiana. We did our best to look contrite, but Maman wouldn't buy it, and made sure that he wouldn't be mellowed, and he was as severe as Uncle Harvey. Ouch! That didn't stop us from having more naughty adventures.
We graduated with honors, shared a studio in Paris, and later another one in New York as we continued our studies on both sides of the pond.
Mary-Anne married her French doudou, and I married Louis, my American boyfriend. Maman gave each of them a martinet with saying that we are a handful. They laughed, "Make that two handful!" Uncle Harvey told them, that a belt may be used in more ways than holding their pants. We told our parents that they wouldn't dare, and they laughed the more....
Vive La Fayette!
Mary-Anne and Marie-Jeanne
Co written with Jayent
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