
Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 It is said that Torn replaced Hobbs signature with his own...

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1 comment:

  1. Hobbs the hero - beautiful drawings that were normal and authentic!

    Why yes, B, I love these drawings. And was mesmerised when I saw them regularly in Roue in the late 1970s, early 80s. They so captured the moment of the "spanking golden age" - prior to PC, wokerati nonsense! And also prior to Janus changing direction away from the authentic, evidence of domestic/schoolgirl CP, towards disappointing "glamourous non CP, designer-spanking".

    Hobbs tells us realistic 1970s stories through art, and I understand that Thorn plagiarised Hobbs' drawings, adding his signature, as you say, B.

    At University back in the 1970s, I discovered Janus, and I adopted their wise edict as my First Amendment: that naughty daughters should get a "sensible, panties-down caning" from their parents at home. Janus explained the benefits of such Spartan, Ol' fashioned "tough love" chastisement on the orthodox surface, in detail. They underlined the benefits of pulling knickers down for the max sting, max safety, moderate humbling aspects, which I was immersed in myself (as a Christian-raised girl born early 1959) Sure thing!

    Hobbs stridently supported that Janus maxim, and his drawings are so authentic...and well, normal, frankly! They were never incongruous to my mind. I love them all, B. I especially like the last drawing because it shows me getting the cane on my bare botty from pop after being naughty. Boo-Hoo! Now, that really is a face liked a smacked ass, as they say :-)

    In reality, it was my mother who mostly whipped me and my sister in the 60s & 70s, (dad was away with work a lot) and we actually bent our chubby, bare, white botties over a sofa in the living room, not over a school desk ha-ha! But otherwise, it is very realistic. Oh my!!

    Also, I do love the girl's consternation & expression on drawing 3. Beautifully done: "What, panties down!! For the cane!! Nooooo!!"
    Yes for sure, B, that is how it gotten done with the cane or strap: hard on a bare botty in front of God! No compromise. No wishy-washy nonsense. Why, for sure, the PC wokerati moms were aghast B...but thank the Lord they were few & far between in Georgia in yore.
    PC bad. CP good!
    Brenda xx
