
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Waldo 1/2

 Not to worry Mom, I am not talking to those boys, they are only watching me playing on the swing!

       Lower your knickers !

                                  Bend over your desk !

  You wanted to see my knickers ? I am offering you the opportunity!

    Tell your friends that you have received the martinet on the bare!


  You are invited to play with us !

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(Adults only)

                                    Please click the above pic....

1 comment:

  1. Spare the Martinet, spoil the child

    So adore the final drawing, number 6. Love the red hair, B ;-)
    And the red botty, of course. Maybe she will show it (to the crowd) through the window ha ha!

    Thank you kindly to your blog B: I am finding le Martinet sooooo compelling as a botty smacker, in theory and practice. I am thinking about it a whole bunch. Oh my! And I adore the way it was sold in village stores across France in the essential item - naughty bottoms must be smacked good n sound. Yup!

    Le trusty, faithful Martinet was thus an important part of "les provisions". Just a fact of family life and an essential purchase for hardworking moms with recalcitrant daughters!! PC bad, CP good, B!! Moreover, I absolutely love the way that le martinet was specifically designed for the bare botty, only. Absolutely correct too, B. It's not designed to sting through clothes. This design element is so marshmallow cute and scary. It underlines the bare bottom protocol for chastisement in front of God that was strictky advocated by y'all good parents, church ministers, school teachers and no-nonsense moms in the 1950s!! I love the way that French moms gotten to raise pretty, French dresses and pull down cotton panties so that le martinet could be correctly applied to bare, sensitive-skinned buttocks as was intended by the design of this implement.

    Oh my! it reinforces the strict, conservative approach to corporal punishment that I received as a child in Altlanta, Georgia, in the 1960s and 70s. Bare white botties turning scarlet were a fact of life and a function of diligent parenting. I gotten the cane on my bare bum as a naughty child from my mother throughout the 60s and 70s (my sister gotten the same). But never the strap or the Martinet, of course.

    Claudette arrives in the village store with her two misbehaving daughters, tantrums abound a bunch. "Howdi Marie-France, I sure need du pan, du vin, de fromage, les legumes...and yes, one of your finest, quality martinets please. There are two naughty bottoms that need a dark, good spanking, already!"

    "Well, yes, I can definitely see that, Claudette. Sure worked on my two daughters." Said Marie-France '"The panties always need to be pulled down for the message to get through!"

    "Why sure thing, Marie-france
    It's the only way...deculottee!
    And when this stingy lil' Martinet is flicking across their naughty, bare white botties a bunch, like wild fire, they will be wailing with remorse already!"

    "Yes, for sure Claudette. And those naughty girls will soon be as good as gold. Two lil' angels, already! Here are your "provisions", Claudette. And of course, my finest, stingy-botty, Martinet of course. You are such a kind, caring, superhero mom! Good luck with your Spartan tough love, in front of God on the bare, orthodox surface!'

    'Sure thing, Marie-france, until next time. SALUT!!"
    Hugs n thanks, B
    Brenda xx
