
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Corner time...


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1 comment:

  1. Spanking rituals, protocols & advocacy - church moms' coffee mornings in 1960s Georgia.

    One of my happy, enduring childhood memories, B, were the coffee mornings that y'all church moms hosted in the 1960s. Various moms took turns & so my princess besties would show us around their "Christian " homes - all great fun. These Christian moms wore their fine fashionable dresses & all was swell.

    After a while, at each coffee morning, conversations inevitably swung round (pun intended) to smacked bottoms and how to deal with daughters in the Christian manner stated in the Bible & scriptures. My sister & I were always chastised exactly this way - sound spankings on the bare skin of our bottoms, mainly with a flexible, rattan cane (from age 7 going forward) The cane was called the "switch", the Biblical "rod of correction" & "mom's spanking stick" & "the hornet's nest!"

    Corporal punishment is an essential foundation of Christian doctrine, and CP was almost exclusively applied to bare buttocks for daughters in our church community (& indeed the American South) Moreover, bare botty whippings from good, strict parents were considered par for the course for Southern family life, social mores & traditional values when I was a child...quite right too, B! I have no truck with PC or wokerati values.

    The younger, new moms to our church would ask my mother's advice (she was older, senior in the church & a strict disciplinarian) about spanking techniques, implements & protocols. My mother gave simple, Spartan advice that was usually then adopted by these new moms. Our mother accentuated the essential aspect of raising dresses & taking down panties & punishing hard on bare, sensitive- skinned backsides. Daughters could put hands on heads while their panties gotten pulled down to knees. Mom said the baring ritual should be very distinct and never rushed. Scolding was paramount and a good punishment in its own right, prior to any actual smacking of bottoms! I ruefully concur, B.

    Mom then recommended that moms ideally apply a specially designed/purchased thin, quality, flexible rattan cane to their daughters' duly bare buttocks, "in front of God" (the orthodox surface) for maximum sting, maximum safety, moderate humbling ...and an overall well-smacked botty!! Oh my! Sure thing, B. All salutary, harsh but completely harmless and part of normal, loving discipline.

    Oh my! When we gotten to host the coffee mornings at our house, mom would fetch her spanking stick from the cupboard & show the other moms, explaining how my naughty sister & I gotten to put our hands on our heads & our 1950s princess dungarees and 1950s, cotton white panties were put down to our knees, and how our bare, tender pudgy-white, squishy-soft botties gotten to feel a baker's dozen with the cane, stinging like Hell !

    Nods and strong approvals were uniform - and many moms purchased canes for their daughters! Oh my! This did nothing for my friendships, B, but it sure did maintain peace, tranquility and goody two-shoes behavior among the girls in the congregation & Bible Class. Moreover, other moms would use the typical leather Southern strap on their girls' bare bottoms in the traditional manner. There was no PC back then, thank the Lord (and daughters still get their bare backsides tanned in Georgia!!) & things like naughty steps/groundings were light years' away.

    My mother did not really recommend corner time per se (leaving it to the moms' discretion) & we never really gotten corner time. After caning, our mom would pull up our panties and smartly refasten our dungarees, canvas shorts or lower our dresses (we had our hands on heads for this) But mother always recommended a cane for daughters' bare botties to be kept in the cupboard in good Christian/Southern homes...and we gotten that rattan rod umpteen times on our bare bums in childhood & teens, so photo 3 above is a visceral, authentic fave for me, B.
    Great memories & rueful experiences & nostalgia. Just facts of happy childhood & life, B.
    Brenda xx
