
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The cane - a few drawings

A rare Eilean Beithe color drawing, who remembers EB ?


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Saturday, March 27, 2021

Forest Hill part 5/6

We raced through the village with our shortish skirts flying up our martinet decorated thighs, but the burgers didn't catch more than glimpses. We had of course again tried sitting on our skirts, but they were too short. We thought of a more sedate rate with holding them down. With one hand on the handlebar we only had two choices. First we could hold our skirts between our thighs, but they flew up in our back and revealed our knickers barely covering our well reddened butts. Alternatively if we held them down on our right thigh they flew up on the left one and vice versa.
That devilish Headmaster knew what he was doing with having us wearing such short pleated miniskirts. We felt as naughty schoolgirls returning home with the evidence of a stingy martinet whipping.
Back home Eric had left a message, he was with Jonathan. I joined them. Sophia was sitting on her hubby's knees. Eric patted his knees for me to sit on them. They both played with our shortish skirts,
"Hey Jo, my girl got a martinet whipping !"
"Yoh Ricky, same for mine !"
"They have again been naughty..."
"Dad used to say, "Punished in school, punished at home."
"Indeed !"
Within a nano second, and ignoring our pleas, they had flipped us as pancakes across their knees, pulled our skirts up and yanked our knickers down.
"Whoa! The Headmaster knows his business !"
"An artist !"
"Lets spare them..."
"You're a softy !"
They pulled our knickers back up and flipped us back to sitting on their knees.
"We want the details !"
"Did he told you to bare your fannies ?"
We blushed and nodded, but that wasn't enough !
We took turn at giving them a detailed report...
I mentioned how stingy it was, "...but we aren't sore."
I concluded with, "...tomorrow we have to return our summons stamped by the Headmaster to the constable's office..."
We tried a few 'Sniff! Sniff!' and were masterly put back on our feet, and given a resounding smack on our bums, "We have worked all day, and we want dinner !"
Next morning after a courteous, 'may I' I pulled Sophia's knickers down, "Yep, as I thought, the marks on your butt have faded."
I pulled my knickers down for her to inspect my nates, "Yes, for you as well, but they have barely started to fade on your thighs..."
We pedaled as fast as we could on the way to the City Hall. It was no more than a two floor townhouse with the Post Office and the Constable's Office on the ground floor. There was a sign on the constable's door, "Out patrolling, please call on the Mayor's Office". It was on the second floor, halfway up the stairs we felt the stare of two smiling pensioners. We realized that the two old lechers were feasting their eyes with upskirt views of our decorated thighs, and probably more !
The only employee of the City Hall wasn't too young and her round spectacles gave her a severe glare. She was expecting us. She took our summons, and with an evil smile she gave each of us a new form...
"Constable Request for Husbandry Chastisement of a Misbehaving Spouse"
Dear Sir,
We have received a speeding complain regarding your spouse,
We regrettably haven't been able to summon her.
We are therefore requesting that you, as her husband, duly punish her.
Level of punishment required :
Lenient, Normal, Severe, Very Severe
Nota Bene :
As soon as tomorrow she will return to our office this form duly signed by your good self.
As we walked down the stairs I told Sophia that I would pull out my tongue for those two lechers.
She protested, "Don't ! We are in enough trouble as it is..."
I reluctantly agreed, "OK!"
Sophia added, "The guys won't be too happy with those requests for husbandry chastisement..."
I chimed back, "Misbehaving Spouse', such cheek !"
To be continued...

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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Forest Hill part 4

"Stop fidgeting ! I can't measure your skirt. Remember, six of the best if your skirt isn't the right length .... 19 cm... roll it up one more time .... there, 21 cm above the floor, one cm more to make sure..."
"Thanks... It feels short ! Your turn. Keep your hands on your head for a straight back .... 17 cm .... roll it up twice .... 21 cm, perfecto !"
"I'll grab my ankles .... tell me if my knickers are showing..."
"Yep, they do !"
"My turn..."
"Samo !"
A few minutes later we mounted our bikes, "Oh! Its too short, I can't sit on my skirt, it will fly !"
"I saw a girl with such a short skirt yesterday, and she was pedaling as fast as she could..."
Whipping Post Lane was behind the church, on the other side of the village. We tried to hold our skirts down as we rode by the co-op and bakery. Our imaginations ran wild. We felt we had seen a few old biddies with wide grins. The street sign Whipping Post Lane was very real and neatly maintained, our imaginations weren't playing tricks.
It was a picturesque country cottage removed from the lane, behind a small garden and a short cobbled path ran through it. After having rested our bikes in the bike rack we walked up to the door. There was a well polished brass knocker. Erika knocked and Sophia slowly exhaled.
The door was opened by a smiling tall gentleman, mid sixty, dressed with a black academic gown over an elegant grey tweed suit with a matching tie,
"Let me guess, you are Erika and Sophia..."
We both chimed, "Good afternoon Sir."
"Right on time young ladies, step inside my parlor on your left..."
While we stood he sat behind an old wooden desk and picked up a manila folder, "Your husbands, while making the appointment, have mentioned that you were spanked after having reported your misdeed. Erika you tell me more..."
"We each got one hundred smacks, Sir."
"Sophia tell me the detail that she is so prudishly omitting..."
Blushing as a peony Sophia answered, "It was on the bare Sir."
"Exactly, and you are now both taking your knickers off, and placing them on my desk !"
We suitably blushed, and tried not to raise our short skirts as we took them off...
"I am not going to spank you, I am going to whip you !"
For a few seconds our eyebrows danced and we felt so very bare and vulnerable under our shortish skirts. We also both felt like a wee wee.
He must have read our minds, "The loos are across the corridor... Sophia, you are first, don't keep your friend waiting !"
I remained alone, and kept tugging down my skirt.
"Lift your skirt !"
The promise of a whipping was quite an incentive to obey, and I blushed as red as a tomato as I exposed my curls.
Then Sophia was back, and I was told to visit the loos.
When I returned Sophia had taken her skirt off, and it was on his desk next to her knickers.
"Take off your skirt Erika, and place it next to your knickers on my desk."
I again blushed as a tomato when I returned next to Sophia bare from my navel to my ankle socks.
The Headmaster stood and opened a cabinet. We discovered an array of canes, straps, paddles and more. He picked up a flogger with a wooden handle and six leather tails.
"Its called a martinet, its used on young French ladies as a further deterrent after a spanking and before the belt..."
"Hands on your heads and keep them there, or I will whip the front of your thighs !"
  We obeyed, and he had us taking a few steps so that he could stand between us. Suddenly I felt a sharp lash to my bottom and my hands flew down and a sharper lash to the front of my thighs followed "Ouch!" my hands hurriedly returned atop my head. Sophia was next and she did exactly the same dance. "Ouch!"
Then he whipped the back of my thighs and my hands again flew down and he whipped the front of my thighs and my hands returned atop my head and he whipped my bottom. "Oh! Ah! Ouch!"
Sophia danced as I did. He alternated between us and we didn't count the number of strokes. He whipped the back of my thighs twice and my hands remained down and twice he whipped the front of my thighs right bellow my tuft, my hands returned atop my head. Then it was Sophia, then it was me. 
Suddenly he stopped and we were still dancing.
"That was the martinet, most of the welts will disappear within two days or three days. If you are back I'll whip you in the same fashion with a belt, and the marks will show for at least four or five days..."
When we had stopped dancing and while we kept rubbing the front of our thighs we were told to get dressed. He rubber stamped our fines with "Exempt from payment, punished as required..."
 We did another small dance before climbing on our bikes and with skirts flying and showing our reddened thighs we pedaled as fast as we could on our way home...
 To be continued...

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Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 Your knickers were taken down and you are being spanked like a naughty schoolgirl...

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Saturday, March 13, 2021

Forest Hill part 3

I became close to Sophia, we have something in common, spanking hubbies !
With a blush and stammering I finally popped the question which had been on my mind for days, "Do you .... get horny .... when Jonathan .... spanks you ?"
Sophia hadn't expected that question although she probably had shied from asking the very same question. She blushed as she answered, "Yes and no, it depends. Expecting a spanking, waiting for a spanking does makes me horny, and the more so if its well deserved..."
"Phew! I am so relieved. I thought I was a weirdo ! I also love it when I have to wait to be punished. The spanking itself makes me horny as well..."
"Yes, up to about 40 or 50 smacks, beyond that it becomes different..."
I returned to the butcher. "How was your barbecue Ma'am ?"
"My hubby was furious... We had to go to the supermarket on a Saturday morning..." I instinctively rubbed my bottom and felt like an idiot, 'Why don't you also spell out that you were spanked !?"
I got a lamb roast and the butcher's wife again none too discreetly commented as I left the shop. "She was well spanked, I can tell that she was spanked !"
Next day Sophia and I went to the supermarket. It was getting warmer and we had chanced short flowery spring dresses. I hope it will fly while riding my bike. I love it when the boys whistle as they catch a glimpse of my thighs or more, it gives me a glorious glow. Last time we rode together Sophia was whistled twice and it was only once for me, "Grgrgrgr!"
With the packs of beer in our panniers and our backpacks well filled we rode back towards our village. I pestered, "They could take one car to the station and leave us a car for the weekly supermarket shopping. Sophia chimed, "I want to buy a mini but I don't make enough. The salon doesn't requires me more than two afternoons a week, having their nails done isn't a priority for old biddies !" "Same here, the nurse doesn't need me more than three afternoons a week, and Eric wont give me anything, he wants a pool !"
As usual we took the forbidden shortcut. Its a semi-private alley between properties and the river. The climb to the village isn't as steep. There's a cycle barrier and a sign clearly stating pedestrians only. It also mentions £ 50 fine for bicycles, moped, motorcycles. I feel that it is quite silly to ban bikes, they are silent and non polluting.
We had to step down from our bikes to push them through the U-chicane, and we were startled by the gruff voice of the Municipal Constable who appeared out of nowhere,
"Got you !"
"Sorry Sir ! We'll turn back..."
"Too late ! I have been waiting for the two of you for a week. You're names ? And don't give me fake names !"
"Fifty Pounds' too much Sir, I don't make more than ten quids an hour !"
"Then you should make an appointment with the Headmaster on Whipping Post Lane."
We blanched, we remembered Jonathan having told about him...
Once Sophia had stored her groceries she left a message for Jonathan telling him that she's with me. We were having iced tea when our men came back from work. They immediately felt that something was wrong with us. "Out with it !" they said. We gave them our summons. It didn't take more than a nano second for them to have us draped over their knees with our dresses up and knickers down. We each got a very thorough spanking. While we were doing the well punished dance Eric pulled his cellphone out and called the Headmaster. We couldn't believe our ears !
"Yes Sir, I am Eric her husband... Its Erika with a k... Yes, there's two of them... let me pass you on to Sophia's husband..."
Jonathan took the cellphone, "Yes Sir, they will ride their bikes... I understand, pleated skirts, 20 cm above the floor when kneeling..."
Erika and Sophia
To be continued...

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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The cane...

With a wink for James Stephenson's Blog...

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Saturday, March 6, 2021

Forest Hill part 2

A week later we are to entertain our neighbors Sophia and Johnathan. I visited the village butcher, "May I please have two dozens lamb chops..."

"Sorry Ma'am, I am out, you should have called a day or two earlier... I have a lovely lamb roast..."
"Huh, Eric, huh, I mean my hubby said, lamb chops for the barbecue..."
"The lamb roast won't do for a barbie, I have chicken drumsticks, sausages and racks of ribs..."
The little wheels between my ears spun, You're such a goofy girl, shopping Friday morning for lunch with guests on Saturday, and working this afternoon, no time for the supermarket. Eric is going to be furious ! You will get your ass well spanked and it will be well deserved. Pray that he doesn't smack your thighs !
"Ah..." I pulled out of my 'reverie'. "I'll have an assortment, please... We are four."
As I left the shop I blushed, as I overheard the butcher's wife, "If her man is a real man he will tan her butt !"
Saturday morning Eric had a look in the fridge after breakfast, "Dearest, where are the lamb chops ?"
"The butcher didn't have any, I got an assortment of chicken drumsticks, sausages and racks of ribs..."
"Let me guess, you didn't call the butcher a few days in advance as I told you !"
"Soz dear, I forgot..."
"They treated us with prawns and you want us to offer chicken drumsticks !"
"Come here !"
He grabbed my small shorts and peeled them down to my knees with my knickers before pulling me over his lap. I got one hundred resounding smacks. I was dancing on the spot with my hands frantically rubbing my fiery derriere when he said, "Pull your shorts up ! We are going to the supermarket."
I panicked, "Please may I wear a skirt instead of my shorts ?"
He agreed. I was relieved. I didn't want to show my well reddened under curves to the whole supermarket. I should have refrained from being so relieved. He added with a teasing grin, "You will get another spanking when we are back, and you will change back into your shorts !"
I had no choice. I demurely agreed, "Yes dear..." The supermarket was crowded with Saturday morning shoppers. We bought big crayfishes and lamb shops. As we waited at the cashier Eric fumed. "Wait till we get home !" The young woman in front of us turned around when she heard that. She must have seen my contrite look, and she had a compassionate smile. Her mate looked as stern as Eric.
When back home, while he prepared the barbecue, I had to stand on our terrace bare from my navel to my sneakers with my hands on my head. It was most embarrassing, what if other neighbors walked by ?
 Then he gave me my second spanking as our guests were arriving. I kicked my legs and was quite conscious that I was showing everything I have. When he was done I had to stand red face and bottom throbbing with my hands back on my head while he announced, "I had specifically told Erika to call the butcher in advance, and she forgot..."
He allowed me to get dressed. I picked up my skimpy shorts from a nearby chair and carefully pulled them up in front of our friends. As I wasn't given back my knickers I could feel my glowing under-curves generously peeking out of my shorts.
 Later, as we sat for lunch Johnathan chimed. "A year ago the Village Council voted an ordinance offering young ladies caught for minor offences the alternative of being sent to the Headmaster on Whipping Post Lane instead of paying fines..."
Eric echoed, "Interesting ! It will save us a few bobs..."
I gingerly squirmed on my garden chair...
It was also news for Sophia, and she pulled a long face...
Johnathan added, "He's a retired headmaster, and a friend of the mayor who asked him to help keep the peace..."
After the barbecue, while I was loading the dishwasher Eric cupped both my nates with his powerful hands, and teased, "That was quite a spanking you got young lady !"
I suitably blushed as I played along, "Yes Sir, I was a naughty girl, and I was severely punished..."
"Must have been embarrassing to wear those shorty shorts and show your reddened butt to the neighbors ?"
"Worse was having them see me pedaling my legs while being spanked..."
I turned around into his arms and he picked me up, and...
To be continued...
(Soz, the short shorts drawing isn't from Phil, but the story is still dedicated to him..)

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Wednesday, March 3, 2021