
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The cane...

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1 comment:

  1. Yes, the cane! Unruly daughters gotten ruled with a "rod of iron"...well, a rod of rattan, already!
    The "rod of correction" for bare bottomed in USA, UK, France & Nigeria.

    Parents who care, cane, B. Sure thing! Is photo a father chastising his daughter appropriately at home (recommended by me, no less!) or is it a UK Headmaster in Janus/Blushes/Roue? There is a duality here: latter is a metaphor for the former which was real.

    On discovering Janus, late 1970s, I was excited to read the editors recommending "naughty daughters should receive a sensible knickers-down caning from parents at home". Sure thing, B. That is exactly what I gotten from my mom years before, growing up in the 60s & 70s! Cane to bare botty for me & my lil' sister.

    These photos illustrate my God-fearing mom's maxim: " a stinging bottom right now will stop you getting into trouble when you gotten older". She was so right, B. Y'all church moms agreed, & so I heard "spare the rod spoil the child" stated every week, if not every day!!! Oh my!

    I asked mom why my botty always had to be bare for the cane? "Because it is punishment, Brenda!" She replied scarily & succinctly. Again, mom was so right. She knew (and I sure knew!!!) that God had not blessed her two tender daughters with a morass of tough rhino skin covering their botties. No ma'am!!! Our porcelain smooth botty skin was ultra-sensitive with a million nerve endings and squishy-white, super-cotton-softness....Oh so perfect for a good, salutary smacking with the cane with knickers taken down by a Spartan, strict, kind mother !!!!

    In early 1980s, I read New Janus (started 1981) having already enjoyed the fabulous Janus volumes from 1978, 79 & 1980, plus some from 1977. I was also loving the start of my career in a large, global corporation in Atlanta; having graduated from University. Oh my! Single working girl. Exciting times, B! :-)

    I was working in global operations (well, many employees were, in effect, really!) & was fortunate to meet my overseas colleagues from far & wide. Wow! I was stunned & mesmerised (in a good way!) to meet n greet a number of Nigerian ladies over the years. Well, over the decades in fact! They stayed in Atlanta for a duration & over coffee n bourbon we chatted a bunch & became besties, if you will..

    These gorgeous, elegant, educated women were so warm, vivacious, open & candid about the corporal punishment they had received growing up. Oh my! Nigerian parents are very strict & aspirational & these girls gotten the cane hard on their bare bottoms at home when they were naughty. That was pretty standard discipline in Nigeria, already!! Same as in the UK and Georgia.

    The leather strap/belt was also common but they told me the rattan cane was dominant as the botty-smacker-of-choice for daughters' bare backsides in Nigeria. I felt a real, powerful, visceral affinity for these women, because of their relationship with the parental cane ...and I still do, B. These women are still my friends & of course the advent of email in the early 1990s made communication easier of decades, of course. Bums across the ocean, B :-)

    Goodness, B! On starting my career, I never dreamt that spanking facts & experiences might interconnect with work relationships/colleagues. Even though, Atlanta itself & the American South were staunchly "spanking central" in the 1980s...and still is today frankly!

    Well, my super-soft, lily white botty survived the cane upon its sensitive, bare skin in my childhood. It did me good! My sister's did too. Those successful Nigerian women's duly bared buttocks survived also the parental cane. Panties down, soundly on the bare for y'all daughters! Y'all learned responsibility, accountability & respect for others on the soft skin of our bottoms! A panties-down skelping is necessary for disobedient, wayward daughters & nieces, B. CP good. PC bad.
    The photos above are an evidence-based advocacy...Janus's editor was correct in the 1970s. So was my dear, strict mother in the previous decade!
    Hugs, thanks n smackies, B.
    Retrospective Brenda xx
