
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The cane - a few pics...

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1 comment:

  1. Parents who care, cane.
    Like mother, like daughter - church moms' coffee mornings in the 1960s.

    A wonderful, visceral bunch of photos, B. Most nostalgic. Born early 1959 into a religious, Christian, strict family in Atlanta's cosy-cute, cookie-cutter, sepia-tinted, spanking new suburbs (pun intended), one of the most fascinating memorable experiences for me were the Church Moms' Coffee Mornings, especially those hosted by my own mother!

    So every month, the moms would alternate & go to each others' homes for coffee mornings to discuss church, gossip, sports, tupperware & real estate...Oh and spanking their naughty daughters!! Oh my! I absolutely adored the variety of lovely, kind (but fierce!), charming, hard working, traditional, glamourous, conservative, fashionistas...and very strict mothers, every one, who gathered at these church events. Some moms even wore hats to the coffee functions :-)

    Some how, the conversation always gotten round to spankings! Not surprising, as CP was a crucial part of Christian guidance & family life. Unanimously, these mothers would soundly chastise their daughters on their bare bottoms without hesitation or compromise - and so the discussion centred around implements & rods of correction. The strap was the key implement in Georgia, of course.

    Oh my! I will never forget my own mother fetching the botty smacker (for her two daughters!) from the cupboard & showing the moms the quality, whippy-thin rattan cane. My besties & I would hover diligently, trying to listen & watch. Y'all were intrigued by spankings!! If not obsessed, already! It was scary yet compelling, naturally.

    So my God-fearing mom described in detail how naughty lil' Brenda gotten her dungarees and panties pulled down to her knees for a baker's dozen on her bare, chubby, white botty. And how darn effective it sure was!! And how she screamed & squawked & cried to her room in remorse.

    The mothers were all nodding & agreeing in complete approval (purposeful yet light hearted) & I know they could picture my tender, bare, young, alabaster white nates, bent over the sofa, turning scarlet under mom's trusty lil' cane!

    Yup! Oh my! For sure, some of the younger moms & indeed older ones (new to the church & suburbs) actually took my mother's advice & gotten to purchase a cane for their girls' bare botties!! Oh my! I was stunned. Other mommies said they would continue with the strap. This was all normal conversation back the in the South. And from a young age, I was mesmerised how it was all simply par for the course. Spare the rod spoil the child was the essence: parents who care, cane! As this great montage shows.

    The last photo is very visceral, B. I can feel it. And my fave photo is number 2. Boo-Hoo! Ouchiees to botties! An icon this one: she flings her hand back over her uber-sensitive, poor, naked botty skin...the cane is so very darn stingy with panties no longer in situ!!! As I vividly remember as a child. And salutary too. That is the whole idea of kind yet Spartan punishment. As Janus advocated in the 1970s & then again in the 1980s New Moral Order (I fully supported it all the while)... a cane to the bare botty for naughty daughters at home is harmless chastisement & guidance, & moreover, just good, kind, strict, essential parenting, B. CP good. PC bad.
    Brenda xx
