
Saturday, June 5, 2021

OTK drawings

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  And don't forget our friend Devlin O'Neill who posted today our story "Asking the neighbors part 5"


  1. Hello Brigitte,
    Do you know who is the author of the panties down spanking in front of the whole class? (clac... clac...clac...)

  2. Its from placarddemike, sagafantasmaginaire,2014, fantasmaginaire-1-episodes-4-

  3. Drawing 5 - the red botty TLC from Grandpa. Totally salutary & necessary!
    My favourite spanking art of all time - from Roue, summer 1984

    Oh my! Oh my! Dearest B, this lovely, cute drawing of naughty truant, Mandy, having her botty smacked deservedly over Grandpa's knee is my favourite piece of spanking art ...ever! I adore the simplicity of the picture and the normal, necessity of the message.

    Indeed, seeing my girlfriends having their bare bottoms spanked by mom or pop was quite normal over all my childhood years in 1960s & 70s. Georgia was spanking central B - the naughty step was not invented there!!!!

    Naughty lil' schoolgirl Mandy was sadly not spanked by her father, who disapproved, much to the chagrin of her mother & her mother's own papa in turn (Mandy's Grandpa). But in contrast, we learn that Mandy's mom was indeed spanked often by her father when she deserved it...and evidently, most soundly on her bare botty too (we gladly presume & cutely observe from Mandy's predicament & Grandpa's Ol' fashioned solution shown in the picture!!)

    I just adore the pencil shading, matching the cute but stern story of a naughty lil' girl's comeuppance for truancy. Mandy is such a princess brat, B And I love this granddaughter's pained, intense expression, as Grandpa kindly drops the hornets nest on the exposed orthodox surface, as is entirely appropriate! Let the punishment fit the crime! Mandy's chubby, pouty botty is just superlative in all its curvy, scarlet glory Boo-Hoo! She is in extreme but harmless discomfort. I sure approve. And I can sure viscerally feel & remember her stingy botty-bots (having been in identical, smacked bottom perils in my own childhood in yore!)

    Oh my! This Roue drawing, from Spanker's Gallery (from Roue's very own Readers' great artwork contributions, already!!) mesmerised me utterly when I saw it in store in Summer 1984 in Atlanta. I gotten to love this iconic picture over the decades.

    These were awesome times in 1984: the LA Olympics were in full swing, the Jane Fonda aerobics craze saw me attending my gym daily & I was working at a great, global corporation in Atlanta. Such wonderful times n memories, B. So almost thirty eight years' ago - I was 25 years' old, B. What a timeless spanking picture this is eh ?!!!

    Mandy's parents are away & so on discovering Mandy's truancy, Grandpa is free to administer the appropriate, tickle-tail on the sensitive, bare botty of a naughty girl. Such a spanking is normal, necessary and harmless And such loving, stern parental chastisement should have been given a bunch of times previously, from the get-go (as Mandy's mother lamented!)

    When my sister & I were naughty growing up in the early 1960s, we ended up bare bottomed over mom or pop's knee for a good, hard spanking with hand, wooden spoon or hairbrush. It sure was necessary! At age 7, I then graduated to mom's spanking stick (a high quality, flexible, thin rattan cane) which made my bare botty sting like absolute Hell on earth...for the rest of the 1960s & indeed much of the 1970s at home!!! The cane was exactly what we girls needed. And our knickers always gotten taken down for it so we could feel the sting without exception.

    But Oh my! This drawing beautifully portrays the very normal & ubiquitous essence of "tough love" - a good, Ol' fashioned, over the knee, panties down, bare bottom spanking that y'all daughters needed "in front of God!"
    Naughty steps are not required, B. CP good. PC bad!
    Hugs n thanks.
    Brenda xx
