
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The tawse...


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1 comment:

  1. Bourbon, Bluegrass music, the tawse and Sheena McGliveray.

    Great Scottish exports, B! I am happy that these Scottish cultural icons arrived in the American South may ions ago, B!

    As the great Dolly Parton said " we gotten good Ol' Tennessee whippings" which in Dolly's case growing up, was the paternal strap and maternal green switch (and on her bare bottom too, every time of course. No surprise there. That's how it is done)

    In the very early 1980s, B, in my early twenties & starting my career in a large Atlanta corp, I had a big girly crush on the pioneering Janus model, Sheena McGliveray. Oh my! She was gorgeous in her home-fashioned, Scottish green kilt and was amply, big bottomed (like myself!!)

    I was compelled to discover, via her interviews & articles in Janus, that when Sheena was a naughty child, her father would skelp her bare bottom with the Lochgelly leather tawse as was necessary for strict, loving chastisement & guidance. This was the appropriate punishment for daughters in Scotland in the1960s/70s & PC had not yet arrived, thank the Lord.

    Oh my! Sheena strongly admired her caring pop's stern "tough love! And she agreed that bare bottom spankings with the tawse were completely necessary for her growing up, for her to learn wise, lifelong lessons & the difference between right n wrong.

    As a child born 1959 in Georgia, I never gotten spanked with either the Scottish tawse or Southern strap myself, but I was religiously raised in the 1960s & 70s to feel the fierce sting of the rattan cane on my fairest, bare botty whenever my mother felt I had misbehaved. And I watched my younger sister receive the same bare bottom canings from mom in the living room.

    Naturally, I felt a strong affinity with Sheena McG, and I stridently approved of my mother's bare bottom discipline for sister & me over our many childhood years. The cane (rod of correction) sure licked me into shape & gotten me to University & a good career, already. I have no truck with PC, B!! Y'all daughters deserve sound bare ass whoopings (totally harmless but salutary) & y'all gotten them in our church & 'hood for sure! CP was the foundation of sound family values & good parenting.

    This montage above makes me think of Sheena McG and the normal, necessary bare botty spankings that she received with the tawse from her kind, strict pop, back in yore B.

    Oh my! I also so adore that cute photo above on the O&P link, of Rosaleen Young, with hands on head, having gotten her sensitive, bare botty curves caned by her religious mom! Indeed, that was the exact same punishment she gotten in real life from her strict Presbyterian parents in the 1970s/80s. And so of course, Roasaleen was another girl who I had an affinity with, across the pond (albeit much later than Sheena McG who was one of the earlier models)
    thanks n smacks a bunch, B.
    Brenda xx
