
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Back in the corner!


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1 comment:

  1. Cane to bare botty from good, strict parents. I gotten it in the 70s, and Janus advocated it in the 70s! And I approve, B.

    I love the third girl, cute green bunches n boater already, and receiving the cane on her bare buttocks, B. This was one of the early, pioneering Janus photo montages in the early 1980s. I remember it well. I always felt a strong affinity to the British girls (& the Nigerian, Singapore girls also, for example) who gotten the cane on their bare bottoms at home from strict, loving parents in the 1950s-1990s post-war, golden age of domestic CP. This is because I gotten the cane from my mother in my childhood & teens of the 1960s & 70s (ditto my younger sister)

    Oh my! I remember the excitement of reading how Janus model, Sophie Fennington, gotten the cane on her bare backside from her father, when she was naughty growing up in the 1970s. This was of course, just normal necessary harsh but fair punishment in yore for daughters (as wisely suggested & reported by Janus in the early, mid-1970s editions of the magazine)

    Even more fascinating B, was to read how naughty lil' Miss Rosaleen Young (pictured above, photo one) also gotten the cane on her bare botty from her strict father in her religious Presbyterian childhood in the 1980s. This was mesmerising. And again, I related to her CP experiences at home with rueful , nostalgia vim n vigour!

    Growing up in 1960s Atlanta, Georgia, my girlfriends were usually raised with the leather strap across their bare bottoms by their parents - again, strongly advocated by the church ministers...and by y'all parents and neighbours in the Christian culture!

    However, my wonderful, God-fearing, dearest, super-strict mother did convince some of the church moms over the years (at coffee mornings or church events) to purchase a cane for their daughters' bare bums (instead of say, the hairbrush or strap..."graduating to the cane" GULP!) Oh my! For sure, this was not very conducive to my close friendships, B!! Naturally, I gotten blamed, which was not really fair!!

    But, alas, I sure gotten thrilled and empathetic, to hear how my poor besties were soon feeling that nasty, rasping-raw sting of the rattan cane on their bare, sensitive, squishy-soft botties when their mom n pop were angry, like yours truly, of course!! It offered me some consolation & catharsis & shared pain ha-ha! Oh my! Empathy but no sympathy, B!

    I was always keen to discover the real-life spanking experiences of readers (awesome letters section) and of the Janus models, like Sophie F, Rosaleen Young above & lovely Scottish Sheila McG among many others.
    Thanks a bunch B. Great nostalgic rueful photos. Ouchieees to naughty botty-bots :-(
    Boo-Hoo! Hugs n spanks :-)
    Brenda xx
