
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Summer at the pool

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And don't forget our friend Devlin O'Neill who posted today our story "Paris Roommates part 6"

1 comment:

  1. "Summertime and the liviin' is easy"...1950s bathing suits and 1950s spankings!

    Lovely, B. These are 1980s swimsuits, when a naughty girl's chastisement could not be hidden from view :-)

    Firstly - Atlanta, Georgia is swimming pool central.
    And Atlanta, Georgia is also spanking central, B!!

    Sister & I relished our paddling pool in our modest, lil' suburban home in 1960s Georgia. Sometimes, as a special treat, we gotten to enjoy a (wealthier) bestie's swimming pool at a church gathering or birthday party. Whereas, paddling pools were ubiquitous, of course for y'all.

    Strict, traditional, 1950s attitudes & family values ruled, and parents were authoritarian & could be stern (and loving of course). So y'all girls wore sensible, conservative swimsuits - bikinis were forbidden. I subsequently joked & called our 1950s swimsuits & cotton, white 1950s kickers "Church compliant" or also "Christian complaint" to denote the sober, conservatism of it all. Oh my!

    We wore these iconic, 1950s style two-piece costumes, often in a towelling-cotton style (typically classic Southern yellow, pastel blue, navy blue or bubble-gum pink ). Our stylish yet conservative girly costumes were like huge, giant bikinis of sorts, and completely covered & contained our botties...and indeed half of our backs, already ha-ha! For sure, our fairest, chubby bums were totally protected from the Georgia sun, which meant that we gotten very starkly defined sun tan lines which (with our brown legs n torsos) framed our porcelain-white, non-sunkissed nates.

    Naturally, I fondly recall such cute , girly-giggly amusement & intrigue at swimming pool changing times, bath/shower times...or yes, for sure, spanking times (all parental chastisements were on bare buttocks back then) when our pudgy, fairy-soft, dazzling-white, naked botties were uncovered for just a moment utter contrast to our "brown as berry" golden, sun tans, and clearly delineated, neat sun tan lines (perfectly framing our lily white bottoms)

    Moreover, B, evidence of (red skin) parental whoopings for y'all daughters, from the strap or rod of correction, were also totally covered up by these large, expansive contrast to the 1980s-style costumes shown above in the drawings. Exceptions would include strapping or hairbrush of the thighs or back of the legs, of course.

    A "spanking" from mom at home for sister & me in the 1960s ( we did not get spanked in public or eg at swimming pools) was very harsh & was not actually a spanking per se, because it always involved having our panties pulled down to knees for the spanking stick on our bare buttocks. This "spanking stick " or "switch" was a quality, whippy-thin, rattan cane, kept in the cupboard. Our mother - of strong Southern, Christian faith - was very stern & we gotten 12 strokes. My bare botty was the normal, strict rule without exception or compromise, which of course, made absolute sense for punishment, & our knickers never once remained in situ in childhood or teens. Quite right too, B,. it sure made no logic to protect my poor, tender, young botty from the cane with protective panties or layers clothes! My panties always came down!! Indeed, bare bottom was typical for y'all girls' parental discipline at home, in our church/school community.

    Oh my! I was always amazed as a child, that our chastised, caned, chubby bottoms, did not show the morass of scarlet stripes n sting, because (thank the Lord!!!) our normal, large-sized swimsuits - in cute, canary yellow towelling - covered all the skin on our backsides entirely. Food for thought , B - If we had been born two decades' later, then maybe our CP would have been visible at paddling pool parties with the smaller-sized swimsuits that were then in fashion in the 1980s ?!

    Wonderful, nostalgic drawings, B. Great memories of happy (if strict) times.
    Brenda xx

