
Friday, January 28, 2022

La fessée cul nu au martinet


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  1. Ouchieees to botties!
    Tant pis! :-(
    Zut Alors!
    Vivre le martinet! (ingenious invention & on display in the hall, or handy in the cupboard)

    Une baguette de pain, cafe au lait, le martinet, du vin, du fromage...les provisions, B :-)

    Yup! That's how it gotten done, B! Authentic, routine sequence for y'all here. Necessary attitude adjustment for naughty lil' filles en France!

    I haven't seen this montage for quite some time, already. You sure do curate some truly wonderful posts for us, B. You keep us on our toes, constantly in anticipation, like the BWD :-)
    Thanks a big bunch :-)
    Hugs n smackiebotts to ya!
    Brenda xx

  2. Yep, that was a lucky find!
    Hugs and smackies!
    B xx

  3. Potty mouth in store = bare botty at home!
    Bring Back Le Martinet!!
    ...exactly as shown here.

    Oh marvelous!! This is just beyond awesome, once again, B. Delightful to see it again. This is what we need!!! Oh my!

    Why just twenty minutes' ago, B, this impossible princess brat was terrorizing her mom & other customers in store. An utter disgrace she was, already!! A foul, potty-mouthed mothed tantrum and feisty tirade ensued. Other customers were aghast, B!! And alas, they were not short of a recommendation or two in how to deal with this naughty lil' madame. Something about Le Martinet ?

    "YEAH! Doh! WHATEVER!!!!!" said the recalcitrant princess (unaware of any potential "botty land peril" in the distance)

    "ENOUGH already!" said her poor, exasperated, hardworking superhero mom, as her daughter stomped her feet and flung her arms around like a windmill on speed...

    "RIGHT! Goodness gracious!! That does it!
    I am taking you home for a good, smacked bottom from papa right this moment, my girl! And it is not a moment too soon!"

    And so it was....after mom had passed sentence...that is exactly what happened.

    The good lady mother mother was true to her word & fine intentions...cue the 7 photo montage above, B.

    Why, yes, this is perfect, B. A traditional solution to the problem at hand, B. Getting to the bottom of things.
    Yes, keep the martinet handy. As the glorious photos show: it is quick, spontaneous, Oh so STINGY! harmless and salutary (well...just like the cane: deculottee! CUL NU: on naughty daughters' bare buttocks, in fact)
    No need for naughty steps, B.

    "Bring back Le Martinet!!

    So I now quote a truly delightful piece form a Janus mom (1970s) who understands that the smack of the cane upon sensitive, bare schoolgirl botties at home, is simply a function of good parenting & is a normal, necessary, salutary punishment for teaching right from wrong, B. A fact of life, I have always thought myself. Why, yes, like mother like daughter as they say, B:

    "My own daughters have to obey me, and if it is required, I cane at home, on their bare bottoms. It has to be quick, fair, hard and painful. My girls wear nice white, clean cotton knickers, nice white socks and blouses with their school uniform, and If I pick up that cane, then they knew just as I knew, that there is no return, and I lay it on hard".

    Oh my! Wonderful, B. I quite agree. I so adore this simple, matter of fact, Spartan, no-nonsense approach from these delightful Janus moms n pops , B. I sure do miss this correspondence from yore!!
    Well, yes, "bring back the cane" at home, B!!
    Brenda xx
