
Saturday, April 9, 2022

Two drawings tell a story

  You are invited to role-play with us

  We have a new website !

(Adults only)

Please click the above drawing....



Further more our friend Asa at Spanking Emporium has started to publish our four hands story :

Marie and Jean met Lucy and George

 Part three 

Please click the above pic...


  1. Cheeky rouge lines on 4, B :-)
    Very Paula Meadows-esque, already. Yes, it's sister & me & the rod from papa in drawing 3.
    Drawing 2 is a vintage icon, very nostalgic.

    Great story on Asa's site. Oh my! I soooo love that photo of the buxom girl with her bike, crunching the gravel: short, breezy-blue, tartan skirt; long white socks, sumptuous legs n pouty-swelling bum, jiggling away from the viewer towards the house for salutary medicine.

    She just needs a soft, stylish, cutey-pie, beret (matching her fine, petrol-blue blazer) & a patented, string of garlic around her shoulders to frame Le Martinet swishing her chubby, bare, fairest-chalky-white, squishy-soft botty bots (un fesse CUL NU, just like the girl in the vintage drawing above, on the O&P school game link, drawers undone & buttocks striped. Love that drawing. Papa is real mad!)
    Hugs n sore, spanky-botties, B.
    Brenda xx

  2. The first one is from Hardcastle, the second I don't know, 3 and 4 are from Anton and I added the cheeky rouge lines. The last one is a reframed Carlo classic.
    The pic from Asa was edited, I added that blue tartan skirt.
    Hugs n smackies :)
    B xx
