
Friday, May 13, 2022

More about corner time....

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1 comment:

  1. First two photos are a powerful totem of corporal punishment, B, taking me back to my childhood in the 1960s, when the fairy-soft skin upon our chubby, bare, squishy-white botties was the place where parental disapproval gotten firmly metered out with a rapid tattoo-fire from the cane! We paid for our misdemeanours on the naked orthodox surface in front of God. My beasties gotten the strap more typically.

    Alas, sister and I did not do corner time, B!!! No we did not. And this was most surprising given our strict, God-fearing mother's penchant for whooping our bare botties with the rattan rod!

    Naturally, I wish we did do corner time in retrospect, ha-ha! We missed a treat, already ha-ha! After the whuppin, we gotten to put our heads on our heads, while mom pulled our 1950s white knickers back up over our blazing-sore buttocks. Then she carefully repositioned our dungarees, diligently refastening poppers and clips. Smartly returning our clothes to normal.She was in no hurry as the hornets nest raged upon our chastised bums!

    Then we gotten sent to our rooms while mom returned the trusty cane back to the downstairs cupboard for next time we misbehaved ! Boo-Hoo!

    We stayed in our rooms for one to two hours already, while mother enjoyed her cathartic moment of peace , contemplating her two punished daughters. Then sister and I would assist with household chores or perhaps visitor the neighbours with mom for juice n cookies.

    Our lovely, elderly pious Christian neighbours fervently approved of our "Biblical switchings" and Spartan treatment- they could hear our screams, and with doors and windows open, they could actually hear the cane repeatedly landing with a stinging, rasping-raw resonance upon the senstive-skinned, completely bare , perillously unprotected botties of two naughty punished daughters Oh my! Why yes, that is exactly how it should be, B! That was Southern life in our suburb. Strict, conservative and traditional. It was all normal and necessary family protocol. But no corner time, already!
    Thanks n spanks.
    Nostalgic Brenda xx
