
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Take your knickers down!


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  1. "Hark! Hark! That SMACKY-SMACK sound of the cane on a bare botty once again", said the pious elderly neighbours of the young princess Young. "And her usual banshee-wailing, awe poor lil' thing!"

    "But that dear Rosaleen girl has been naughty once again it seems...and this punishment sure is the only way she will learn good manners & obedience, pray!"

    Soooo love that acute angle (cute? ha-ha) on photo 5, dearest B. And the terrific trio of photos 3, 4 & 5 as a piece. Oh my! Remember B, that this smack of the cane on bare buttocks was how Rosaleen gotten chastised at home, growing up in the 1970s in a strict, religious Presbyterian household. My sister & I gotten exactly the same punishment from mom, so I developed a strong affinity for Rosaleen's experience and narrative back in yore from Janus reporting/interviews.

    It's all authentic & mesmerising, B!
    Love the gif, thank you! She is just one step away from the stingy-hoppy-switchy-botty-dance :-)
    Hugs & Boo-Hoo-smacky-botties to you, B.
    Ol' Fashioned No-nonsense Brenda xx

  2. I love how she hangs on to her knicker!
    Hugs and smacky smacks ;)
    B xx
