
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Filly returns

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  1. Filly needed her backside tanned. Job done!!

    "Why do you pull my knickers down for the cane?" said Filly
    "Because it is punishment young lady", said the stern, bottom-smacker-in-chief.

    Well, I asked my mom that question a bunch in the 1960s, B.
    And I always gotten that same darn, dreaded answer. Brief but Oh so scary. GULP! Quite right too! One of mom's many famous stern, cute if very Spartan sayings!
    And for sure, it was the exact answer (& punishment!!) I deserved to hear.

    Oh my! And indeed as a wise, "educational psychologist" from the Janus editorial said in the 1970s: "naughty daughters should be punished with a sensible, knickers-down caning at home". Sure thing, B. It was normal & necessary...and indeed, "ferociously kind" for our well-being & learning! And in fairness, Boo-Hoo! The naughty step was light years' away :-)

    So "The girl with no name" gotten her bottom smacked with the cane in photos above - is this Blushes, B? Or maybe Roue?
    I love it & know it so so well, but alas, I forget. And I don't think it's Janus already?

    What a lovely Ouchieeees to botty scene, B. From the early, golden age of spanking magazines, 1978 to mid 1980s.
    I think this girl might also be from an Alan Bell film: Room 2D or Sally's Lesson - truly awesome pioneering films in the late 1970s.
    This scene above was some time after Janus films Late for School (1977) & rear Attack (1977) which gotten bare bottom canings & which blew my mind, already, back in the day, B.

    In those early days & films, also including the amazing "Lesson" Films: Riding 1978, Gym 1978 & sensationally, The School Lesson1979; models were not actually named. No spanking celebrities existed - not really until around Anne Proto of St Winnifred's Trilogy (1982), with Head Girl Norton & Slocombe. Then moreover, Antonia Du Bois in (New) Janus from 1981/1982.

    Then ...that most gorgeous, soft-botty, naughty princess brat, Pippa Marshall :-) Volume 13 (1983)...and onto the enduring, famous stalwart, Sophie Fennington (who gotten the cane across her bare backside from her strict papa growing up, as indeed did Antonia Du B)

    These "golden age" girls were all early super-hero pioneers, B. Remember- the likes of Rosaleen Young, Elizabeth Simpson and of course, Amelia Jane Rutherford did not emerge until a good 16 years' later in the late 1990s/early 2000s, B!!
    That's all folks! Ha-ha! For now at least, B!

    Why, yes, I'm doing a "spanking timeline" already for my memoirs, B ha-ha!!! And looking at the naughty girls in all those magazines n films!

    Oh my! If the beautiful photos above are vintage already...then my childhood whoopings in the American South are simply ancient history :-)
    Hugs n smackies & historical notes of importance to ya, dearest B!
    Nostalgic Brenda xx

  2. Thanks for the historical background :) I don't know more about those pics beside that they were published by Blushes.
    Hugs and smackies ;)
    B xx

  3. Botty totes bare for the cane: back to the future with good, normal strict discipline. Sure was necessary!

    This wonderful, naughty lil' girl here is Lucy Palmer, B. And the cane is applied correctly & appropriately ...on the sensitive, bare orthodox surface (exactly as my God-fearing mother applied it to yours truly! Although of course, I always asked the rhetorical question, to nor avail!! Of why exactly, my panties had to be always taken down for the cane!!!)
    Well, yes, in my opinion & experience, naughty girls do not need their botties protected with any coverings or fabric (aka panties or clothes) when they are being duly chastised!! No ma'am!!!

    I just realised (once again in fact) that this is girl above, is in fact, Lucy Palmer, with me having recently researched & rediscovered many of the precious gems published by Roue & Janus in the 1970s/early 80s, B. Both in magazine & video format, B.

    Lucy Palmer was indeed the seminal, superstar, naughty schoolgirl in Room 2D 1982: one of the world's great pioneering films, and one of Roue's first ever films (albeit 3 to 4 years after the "Silent" "Lesson" films from Janus in the late 70s)

    Oh my! The artistry of Alan Bell & Roue's production, in both film & magazine, is pure genius, B. To my mind, Roue's early films of the early 1980s, are the most authentic & visceral of the golden age (pre-internet), and even better than those from Janus, if you will. Oh my!!! Albeit Janus had the powerful first-mover advantage with Late for School, The Riding Lesson, School Lesson etc, starting back in 1977, thank the Lord, pray!

    In Room 2D, the sight & sound of the cane repeatedly smacking raw-sore against the bare, sensitive skin of Lucy Palmer's poor botty is super scary, and takes me viscerally right back to my childhood punishments at home from mom, in the 1960s & 70s. GULP! It soooo stings!! And moreover, witnessing my naughty lil' sister get the dreaded cane on a bare backside, countless times, with her 1950s white knickers pulled down to knees, in the living room, over the years. Why, yes, in fine praise of the "hornets' nest", B: daughters need and get their bare bottoms skelped with the cane when they misbehave, in my book, B!!

    Why yes, Lucy Palmer deserves it, and my sister & I deserved it...indeed, it was the route to our success, guidance & happiness growing up in Georgia & then naturally into our fruitful University experiences & careers. Spartan, caring discipline works, B!!!

    Moreover, another superb Roue film "Schoolgirl Nieces" 1983, is a wonderful, original, pioneering & authentic expression of how a long suffering, good, God blessed aunt disciplines her two impossible nieces at home in the normal, required fashion: jammies down for bare botty spankings across the bed, then the plimsoll & strap for both, & finally the cane upon the bare backside of the older miscreant over the sofa. Again, it so reminds me of corporal punishment for me at home: and naturally, B, I do wonder if aunty had pulled down her nieces' PJs and tanned their bare, tender, squishy-soft botties with the nasty cane right at the very start, right at the get go; then any further bad antics & misbehaviour would have been avoided!!! That is exactly what my mother would have done to her two daughters, B!!! And yes, she was so right to soundly skelp us too! GULP!
    But then, I guess...a shorter Roue film would result, already Doh! Ha-ha! Wonderful film from Roue, B. Have yourself a look for sure.

    So yes, I am relishing the rediscovery & re-reading of Janus & Roue Readers' Letters & correspondence editions of the early, marvelous magazines. Oh my! I love the factual reporting & reminders of how the classic black plimsoll, rattan or bamboo cane or leather strap/tawse were smacking soundly upon the bare buttocks of naughty daughters & nieces in UK living rooms & bedrooms in the1950s -80s was just a simple foundation & function of good, strict homes in yore, B. Why, for sure, the naughty step has never featured in my experience or mindset!!
    Hugs, thanks n nostalgic smacks
    Strict No-nonsense Brenda xx
