
Friday, December 2, 2022

Three naughty girls part 2


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  1. Oh my! Just glorious, B. Glorious :-)
    I remember the caning video now. It's quite common (aka wonderful gif)
    But I had forgotten the build-up, already.
    So love the first image, B. Pending PERIL!
    The resounding, rasping-raw SMACK! of nasty rattan on bare, fairy-skinned bottoms. Quite right too, B. Harmless Hell ensues...

    That's my sister's poor buttocks (photos 3 & 4) And my very own chastised retro-botty at home, photo 6 (back to the future ha-ha! Boo-Hoo! Oh dear!)

    Photo just above on O&P Link - Oh how truly delightful, B. A lovely pinky-perky-pouty-whitey-botty, suitable denuded of navy fabric for just desserts (pink gingham suitably raised).

    Pray, for sure B, the hands must stay on her head while the cane is retrieved, and moreover for the duration of scolding. No need for bizarre, length rituals: a Spartan, well-smacked bottom is a simple task. Just add sufficient, timely delays for princess peril & brattitude remorse to infuse, prior to the big bad stingy-botty!
    That's how I remember it, already. Boo-Hoos a bunch!!
    Hugs n fierce, kind skelpies
    Strict Brenda xx

  2. With a hand reaching for a rub!
    Hugs and smackies
    B xx

  3. Photo 6: cane to bare botty works for naughty daughters.

    Photo 6 is a real fave, B. It's my childhood story, & a front-cover contender for my memoirs. But then, Oh my! So many of your photos & drawings & gifs are essential for my memoirs, B!! thank you a bunch!

    I keep it real, B. i have no interest in spanking fantasy. Just harsh reality. And that sure was the case growing up in Georgia in a typically strict, Southern, conservative, Christian, church-going family. My God-fearing mother was so kind & caring, & the fiercest supporter of CP for y'all daughters' nurturing.

    If you happened upon our modest suburban house in sultry Atlanta, B, in the 1960s, the harsh SMACK! of a rattan cane across the bare, sensitive-skinned botties of two young daughters evidenced bad behaviour & appropriate corrective action! The screams & smacks evidenced kind, strict maternal justice on the naked, orthodox surface, provided by God for chastisement.

    Why yes, I have always believed that daughters should have their panties taken down & their bare bottoms caned for naughty antics at home. When I see princess brats terrorizing their mothers in the mall or 6 visualizes the only solution!! As a 64 year-old traditional good Southern lady, I have no truck with modern PC, naughty steps or wokerati nonsense. In my book, B, mom retrieves the cane and the knickers come down for a whooping on a bare, tender bum. Good n sound! Just like sister & me gotten it. For sure, PC moms were aghast at my views, B, and still are!! But the majority of moms in Georgia are aligned with my advocacy, principles and practice!!

    God -blessed we gorgeous girls with super-soft, fairy-skinned botties, which facilitate loving parental chastisement with the cane or strap. We sure gotten no tough rhino skin on our poor botties, B (I discovered this at an early age!) & so it is illogical to protect this mass of sensitive skin from the cane with panties or any protective clothing/covering. So IMHO, knickers must always come down for punishment, as mom firmly stressed if we ever objected, B!!

    Mom had numerous, scary phrases which were "crushingly cute", like..."there is no point in smacking your bottoms with a lettuce leaf, girls." Well, that's so right, B, Boo-Hoo!
    ...ergo - firstly, yes, knickers must down to knees, and then, secondly, for sure: it 's then the cane on a bare botty!!! YUP! Sure stops princess brats running amok in the store in experience, B!!

    Photo 6 evidences how are naughty girls' bottoms looked (& should look!) after a whuppin' from mom or pop. It was safe. It was harmless. Oh my! It was salutary. And after 12 strokes (I recommend that!) we gotten our panties pulled back up, our dungarees refastened smartly, & then sent to our rooms. But we could be back out with our mom n neighbours after an hour or so. All bads forgotten. Hugs all round. Wrongs put right. That is the benefit of a good, bare bottom skelping at home, B!!
    CP good. PC bad.

    So photo 6 is the solution for misbehaving daughters or nieces, B. And when I was late teens, my believes were adroitly confirmed by Janus in the mid-late 1970s. I was a Uni student & mom had stopped whooping me! I had some freedom & agency at last!
    Thanks n hugs
    Strict, Ol' fashioned, traditional, Brenda xx
