
Saturday, February 4, 2023

French Drawings

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Please click the above drawing to visit the O&P role play game website...
Furthermore our friend Asa from
 has published part four of our latest story 
Please click the above book cover to visit Spanking Emporium...


  1. Love these by Zerte always, B.
    Drawing 3: sassy botty turns scarlet. Mom sure has has gotten enough sass in the park, already. Time for remedial action. Not a second to lose!
    Spontaneity rules Le Francais Okay!
    Missy's sad panties seem almost in motion, B. Otherworldly :-)
    Like an animation!
    Mom is exasperated already, & is now wearing her no-nonsense hat :-)

    Drawing 4: I love mom's purity of intent here. "Yes, just wait...your panties will be coming down for Le Martinet."
    Those wonderful, resonant French words, B: "Je te basse la culotte".
    Les fesses bien rouges. CUL NU. Deculotte!
    These CP words always seemed exotic to me. But yet, une fesse cul nu is just a normal rite of passage, B.
    Aren't those white shorts displaced above (Asa link) rather lovely, B ?

    Thank you for Forest Hill. The second photo of the girl with the bike is ace, B. She has confidence & swagger. But it does seem quite ominous (rather scarily) that she'll soon be bending over for the cane, with her cosy-cotton-snuggy-white-knicks alas sadly, just nudging the top of those those lovely long socks. Love her shimmering cobalt blazer, & the narrative of Le Martinet.
    Hugs n kind but suitably fierce smackabotties to you.
    Brenda xx

  2. I was lucky to find more Zerte drawings, and kept a few for next week.
    Those pics from Asa; I made the skirts a touch longer to be more teasing. Happy that you understand the French lines.
    Hugs and smackies :)
    B xx

  3. Thank you for the 'cover' links. You blog is always at a very high standard, and never dissaponts.

  4. This is Asa Jones.....that was my comment above! I struggled to enter my comments under my name, so do anonymous ones now....and I have just realised something....put my name in the comment!

    1. Signing an anonymous comment is fine /me winks
