
Friday, February 17, 2023

Red moon sailor girl

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  1. Replies
    1. And I have reworked the spanking before the tawse, seemed more logical.
      B :)

  2. Incredible!!

    This is superlative, B, thank you!
    Cannot believe it - I have not see this delightful Rosaleen film, B. Oh my!
    But yes, I have often seen the two lovely photos of naughty Sailor Moon Rosaleen at the bottom. What a super outfit, already!

    Pray, who is the gorgeous strict aunty, or Nanny here, B ? I have not seen her. She deserves an Oscar, already ha-ha!
    I am completely au fait with the lovely n redoubtable Miss Elizabeth Simpson, having to take matters in hand , & soundly smack Rosaleen's bare botty for naughty brattitude over the years.
    Miss Simpson sure taught Rosaleen good lessons on the tender place provided. But this super-hero woman is new to me here.

    I so love the final gif - Rosaleen's tender, soft botty skin set alight, all burning bright by the fireplace, metaphors to the fore!! Poor, raw n pouty :-)

    Also, reading Rosaleen's biographical notes way back in yore, I was just so mesmerised to read about her strict Presbyterian upbringing in the UK, and how she gotten the cane across her bare bottom as a naughty child. Oh my! Well, for me, age 64 & a Christian-raised girl of the American South, that is just a function of normal, good, strict parenting, B. But with increasing PC over decades (since I discovered Janus, late 1970s) I still love to learn the facts. Fantasy about Rosaleen or indeed anything else, does not interest me at all. Spankings were nothing but real, B !!!!
    And Janus, Roue & Nu West largely captured the truth with evidence, reporting & authentic content & contexts.
    Hugs n smacks.
    No-nonsense Spartan Brenda xx
