
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Belinda reports

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  1. Photo 3: You talkin' to me ?

    Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! Big, happy, smiley-cheeks and a darn sober grimace, on photo 3, B. She sure gotten a face like a smacked ass! Les fessees rouges :-)

    Beyond superlative, once again, B :-)
    Belinda Lawson's multi-Oscar winning pouty-plump botty, photo 3.
    A British version (Welsh version indeed) of Harley Havik & Luci Lovett in the ultimate, elite league of naughty, submissive O&P schoolgirls, B, if you will.

    Belinda is so lovely & clearly a foundation stone of Firm Hand Spanking corp. (pray, if her mobile, wibble-wobble, blancmange botty can actually be classified as a foundation stone ?!)

    And I soooo love that final photo: hands on head!
    Bottom smacked (check).
    Job's a good'un' (check)
    Pray, who ever needed the naughty step, B ? Now you & I both know how that photo feels, B. Boo-Hoos a bunch. Oh dear! And I'll take that last photo 9, as my memoirs' front cover, already ha-ha :-)
    Growing up in the 1960s was a world of black n white...and y'all princess brat bottoms gotten very red!

    What a fab sequence, B. Lil' Miss Belinda may lack the feisty retort, "Brattitude engagement" and maverick minxiness of say, Sarah Gregory, Samantha Woodley or Amelia Jane Rutherford; but then, naughty Belinda simply lets her buttocks do the talkin'...loud n clear... absolute screamin' abdabs, B :-)
    Hugs n smackies.
    Strict No-nonsense Brenda xx

  2. Thanks for you witty comments dear Brenda!
    Wobble foundatiion, hahahaha!
    She lets her buttocks do the talking, indeed!
    Hugs and smackies :)
    B xx
