
Thursday, April 20, 2023

Discussing a poor report card

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  1. The Gym Lesson meets The School Lesson

    Oh my! Is this the new yoga format for O&P girls, B?

    Why, I do approve, already! Performative assessments & chastisement for lazy application. In absentia, I will send my proxy vote for the Spring Board of Governors' meeting, B :-)

    For non-sporty girls this absolute hell. For athletes like Lil' Miss Amelia Jane, it's just the nasty botty sting that is the problem. Quite right too. God darn it! Serious discomfort as required, B.

    AJR's superlative botty is an organic entity that defies containment, B. It elicits endless curiosity & contemplation.
    And it needs a tracking device with its own GPS coordinates.

    Yes, we remember those gamechanging, pioneering silent films The Gym Lesson & The School Lesson from Janus in 1979, B. Oh my!! The Good Old Days! That is where it all began. Although with the modern day, Oscar-winning banshee wailing n ferocious, signature fuss from the delightful Amelia Jane... silence will never be golden!
    Hugs n fiercely kind smackies.
    Strict Brenda xx

  2. Yes, an oscar winning bum, butt lets be fair, she does also have a lovely face and repartee!
    Hugs and smackies :)
    B xx

  3. Absolutely, B! She is wonderful in every way. A superhero for us.
    Hugs, thanks n spanks.
    Brenda xx

  4. Final photo: bare bottom for the cane was normal in our house. The position ? Not so much :-)

    AJR's big, fairy-soft, alabaster-white botty & legs on that final photo 6, brings back compelling memories of my childhood & of the Janus letters detailing corporal punishment for daughters & nieces at home. I discovered Janus as a student in Atlanta in the 1970s.
    I am rediscovering them right now, B.
    Mesmerizing they are!

    One brief, succinct letter, from a kind gentleman who visits a friend - a single mom of two young daughters. One girl is very rude & mom takes into away for scolding. Mom then takes her daughter into a side room, & suddenly comes back to retrieves a cane from the shelf. The writer sees the daughter "bending over obediently, skirt lifted & knickers pulled down, her little, bare, white bottom waiting for the cane". Oh my! I really love this, B. That was my exact childhood. And that is the exact chastisement I gotten to recommend to fellow church moms to give their naughty daughters in front of God when discipline is required. Absolutely, B!

    Oh my! So, another letter from a good lady describes the bare bottom spankings she & her sister gotten over her mom's knee. Her mother had gotten more harsh discipline in her childhood:

    Quote: "I know my mom received all of her spankings on her bare bottom. She was born and raised in England and was punished with the cane. She was told from a very young age to lower her "knickers" to her knees. She has told us that when she was growing up, that is how British parents punished their children. Being 19 and getting caned on her bared bottom was not unheard of."

    This is just so wonderful, B!! What a gem. Cane to bare botty from the first to the last. Yes, I ruefully recall it!

    Looking at AJR' s white botty, y'all did not have to adopt this position ha-ha! The rasping-raw-smacky sound of a flexible, thin, rattan cane on the tender, bare skin of a girl's chubby bottom never leaves me, B. Yes, watching my sister get her whoopings, a bunch. And her screams. Our elderly pious neighbours heard the whole affair: the resounding SMACK! of rattan on bare flesh (24 smacks shared between a brace of naughty bare bottoms if we both gotten caned!!!) , scolding, bunny banshee wails. They called it "Biblical switchings". Oh my! Scary, B.

    And they applauded mom's stern discipline in the Christian tradition. Y'all talked about it with juice n cookies around their house next door. Oh my!!!! Southern Life, B. But also British life of yore reported in Janus in the 1970s, B.
    Hugs n smackies.
    Nostalgic Brenda xx
