
Saturday, July 1, 2023

Drawings take two

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1 comment:

  1. If the French Impressionists did spankings !?

    Awesome drawings & colours, B. It's all very Cote d'Azur :-)
    With the martinet already, and Oh the light!!!
    Let there be light...and stingy botties!

    The final two drawings are fabulous, B. Oh my! What a strict, superhero, ferociously kind mom after my own heart, B. Why yes, it would have been panties down and "cane to bare botty" in my house in the usual way in yore, of course, kneeling on the chair & over the back of it; but I do love the whole martinet thing on your blog, B.

    My experience with the cane (including my poor, chubby, bare, unprotected, botty skin's aquaintance with it as a child) meant I always felt an affinity with British & Nigerian daughters, two countries where the sound of rattan on naughty girls' bare buttocks was (& still is in Nigeria) a normal fact of family life & good strict parenting at home. This is because American girls gotten the strap or paddle, less so the cane. Oh my! Cultural alignments, already

    Albeit B, quite a few young daughters gotten their panties taken down for the cane (in my 'hood in Georgia) from their kind but strict church-attending mothers, after first, my own mother recommended the cane for discipline in the 60s/70s, and secondly because yours truly also then recommended the cane for naughty daughters' bare bottom discipline in the 80s/90s. Like mother, like daughter for sure.

    The girl's proud, swelling buttocks in the final two pictures are wonderful, B. Almost powerfully defiant in their plump being. I would love to see her resigned, defeated, bare skelped botty over the chair (kneeling & bent over the back), her soft pink panties hugging her knees, and that familiar look of strict but calm catharsis on mom's face! I sure can imagine the scene!! I like the daughter's crop top too - a symbol of insufferable, fierce brattitude, B!!! But alas, not for long :-)
    Bravo momma!!!!

    The first two pictures have that authentic father/daughter clash in the house....with the inevitable & indeed, only solution!! Blue panties on the second are sooooo cute! Very French. Pretty cobalt & pastel bleue. Exactly the type of princess panties that need to be pulled down for a naughty, bare, squishy, white botty to feel Le Martinet from papa. My narrative may be flowery & cavalier, B, but I believe the punishment must always be SPARTAN!!!
    Love the fruit on number one, plus AJR's magnificent buttocks in watercolors.

    On the link painting - why, lil' missy Rosaleen has pulled up her panties already! Boo-Hoo! It stings :-(
    Hugs n smackies, dearest B.
    Good Traditional No-nonsense Brenda xx
