
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Its going to sting!

You are invited to role-play with us!

  (Adults only)

Please click the above pic to visit the O&P role play game website...



  1. Ouchieeees to botty land, B :-(


    Truly delightful scene, thank you, B. I've not seen this!! It's great :-)
    So love the initial black n white discussion photo. Very Janus!
    Ominous already Boo-Hoo!
    Is that middle blonde, Sam Johnson ?
    Possibly Sophie Fennington, but I don't think so.

    Photo 3 is wonderful (message of the raging "hornets nest" sure gotten through minus panties!) Absolutely correct. And I stridently approve & advocate such kind, fierce discipline, B!! Harmless yet salutary...AKA the unbearable stinging botty! No need for groundings or time outs!!

    Lovely link photo too! Glasses always add a stern, sophisticated edge, B. A stingy omen ?! A warning to recalcitrant girls ?
    "How very dare you ?!!"

    Oh my! I'm excited about those pics 7 & 8 colorized. Always a nice surprise from you dearest B. Love the cobalt blue & zany, electric green, already. But I wait to see :-)

    I commented on JPC, Saturday, July 29th.
    Hugs n smackies.
    Good Spartan Brenda xx

    1. It is indeed a vintage movie!
      Later today GIF from that movie...
      Colorising of 5 and 7 done!
      And the skirt of the young lady for the link is too short !
      Hugs and smackies :)
      B xx
