
Friday, November 17, 2023

An F means the cane...

Is waiting really the worse ?

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  (Adults only) 
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  1. Love this photo set! Such genuine expressions on that poor girl's face. Thank you for sharing. XOXO

  2. Thanks :) Hard to decide on a fav... The link sitting pic with knickers down or the sitting and rubbing one...
    B xx

  3. "Why do you always pull my panties down for the cane, mom!"
    said Brenda, painfully (and rhetorically!!!!!).

    "Because it is punishment, Brenda",
    said mother, redoubtably.

    Oft quoted narrative: alas a short but succinct, scary maternal reply to my question, in our living room at home, growing up in 1960s/70s Atlanta, Georgia.
    My younger tender-bottomed sister would ask the same question. And gotten the same answer!

    Oh my! dearest, B. This sequence is absolutely fabulous. Albeit this Spartan but appropriate & necessary discipline makes me shiver, reminding me of mom's panties -down canings that sister & me gotten countless times when we were naughty growing up. Oh dear, that terrible cane whistling across your sensitive-skinned, undraped botty. Boo-Hoos a bunch.

    The orthodox surface for punishment with the rod (harmless Hell) was so soft n pale n tender in its naked state, yet so remarkedly chubby & resilient, exactly as God intended. That is what the church advocated! Quite right too, B,. Just what we naughty lil' girls needed. CP good. PC bad, already!!!

    I just adore visceral, realistic photo number 3 (another memoirs front cover contender!!!!) and also super no 5. Superhero Mom is cross, determined & experienced on photo 5, B. GULP :-)

    I also adore number 2, mom is strict & no-nonsense saying "Yes young lady, knickers down! And bend over. It's high time that Mrs cane paid a short, sharp visit to BOTTYLAND!"
    That is to paraphrase Mrs E Matthews from Momma Spankings "1940s maternal discipline, scene 1."

    The grimace on photos 5 & 6 is awesome, B. Thank you. Ruefully reminds me of the big sting back in my 1960s & 70s childhood!

    Talkin' of which do check out the new trailer today on Momma Spankings, B, "Two bedtime smacked bottoms". Oh my! Marvelous, already!!! Just divine. And how y'all girls remember pillow fights, B, and how they ended at sleepovers! Boo-Hoo!

    So here, two naughty, squishy-white botties all bare and tender, receiving the necessary "hornets nest" from a lovely, fiercely-kind, ardent, well-seasoned spanker-mom! Naughty Sarah G is perfect, patented bratty mode and her accomplice, duly bare of her chubby-pouty, dazzling-white, fairy-soft--botty ...PJs duly pulled down for a good maternal smacking!

    Mom is calm & so authentic & says "this is a spanking household!" It's a lovely line, B.
    Also, I commented on Saturday, October 7, 2023 "Edited drawing", dearest, B.
    Hugs n fiercely kind smackabots to you, as warranted, dearest, B :-)
    Good Spartan Brenda xx

  4. Just a though.... "because your bottom will recover and your knickers would soon be worn out."
    Hugs and smackies :)
    B xx

  5. Oh yes, I do so like that one, B....threadbare ? :-)

    I also like a firm fave of the South:

    "Now, I ain't got no argument with the seat of your panties!"

    Ha-ha! Love that! And it's more prevalent among some of my African American besties - those, lovely, "ferociously-kind", strict strap-wielding moms. Oh my!!
    Hugs n smackies
    Brenda xx
