
Saturday, November 4, 2023

Benson and Hardcastle drawings edited and colored

You are invited to role-play with us ! 


  (Adults only) 
Please click the above pic to visit the O&P role play game website...





  1. Rohrstock to bare botty!

    Oh my! I like all the drawings B, and I so very much like the second Germanic artwork (both black n white & colours) and I approve of the punishment, of course!

    It brings back memories of some Janus Readers' Letters that I have recently gotten ( I should quote some here again really, B! Naughty lazy me!) both of German & British daughters having their bare backsides skelped with the Rohrstock or switch, and moreover, of spankings given generally in front of family members or friends, already.

    Interestingly, in our 1960s/70s childhood my sister & I were usually punished in private by our mom, not in front of others. We found this fascinating. Also, we did get spanked in public or outside generally. Mother was conservative & felt that our bottoms should be tanned formally & properly in private, with perhaps only grandma & grandpa being present very occasionally (eg randomly rather than deliberately & only if they happened to be passing through the room or in the vicinity something.

    Mother always bared our bottoms - pulling panties just down to our knees - and she always smacked us with the cane, kept accessible in the cupboard. She told us she preferred for others not to see our chubby, bare bums & felt that the cane should be given properly & soundly in front of God, but not in front of other people. "Spare the rod spoil the child" for sure, B.

    Mom felt it was Ok for say, grandparents to see our bare bums (either white or red!!!!) but at most, she was really a private & thorough spanker & alas, for sure did not spare the soft skin on our botties with that nasty cane!!
    In the very early years we gotten the hairbrush or wooden spoon on our bare bottoms (over mom's knee) and again this was usually in private, albeit not always.

    Our next door neighbours (lovely, sweet, elderly pious couple) heard our canings over the many years, if windows & doors were open. They did not witness them. They clearly heard the sound of the rattan cane on our bare buttocks ( we always gotten 12 strokes) & of course, they heard our cries & screaming to indicate that two naughty daughters were being appropriately & soundly punished by a good, strict mother. The neighbors called our canings "Biblical Switchings". Oh my!

    As a young girl I was always scared, excited & intrigued to know that the neighbours could actually hear the smacks of the cane on my bare botty! Oh my! It actually makes me laugh right now, B!!!

    Oh my! I do think they tuned in attentively & listened acutely, B!!!! This was all just Southern life in religious, conservative families, already in the 1960s & 70s. Post-whuppin's, sister & I would be round their house later for juice n cookies.
    Spankings & bare red botties were frankly just part of everyday normal life back then, B.
    Big hugs, thanks n smackies dearest, B
    Nostalgic Brenda xx

    1. Biblical southern discomfort !
      Hugs and smackies :)
      B xx
