
Saturday, April 27, 2024

Naughty girls learning a lesson....



  1. Wow, the first pic is so hot. I have never seen this one before

    1. The first and last drawings are from Kane, a British mag similar to Janus, Blushes and etc...

  2. Number one is new to me, B
    Love the second drawing - The Gym Lesson 1978 (Janus) indeed !
    I remember drawing three is a father/daughter altercation & story from Janus in the German countryside (early 1980s).
    Love the Kane final one, again new to me.
    The Link black n white drawing is soooo lovely! That was lil' Ol' me bare of botty for the rod at home!! Boo-Hoo!!!

    Victoriana part 3

    "Monsieur Maurice led us inside the classroom. We almost stopped in our tracks when we saw a small whip with multiple leather thongs hanging next to the blackboard. Monsieur wrote “Le martinet” on that blackboard. He also explained, “It is the perfect implement for helping the memory of lazy young ladies.”

    This is a truly delightful line, B. I do concur with the traditional if Spartan message. Authentic, salutary & visceral for girls' wellness.

    "If you score less than 10/20, it will be la fessée cul nu au martinet!”

    Lovely post today on Asa's. The sight n sound of the nasty, cheap, traditional 1950s Britsh plimsol on three bare sensitive botties is inevitable, B. Again, very visceral. And pray, most necessary!
    Maybe the iconic plimsol was actually invented for naughty girls at home n school ?

    Post today, "Busy busy moving" Charlotte's snuggy mauve pants....duly adjusted south along with her soft panties to feel the PLIMSOL's almighty STING on her bare buttocks in the normal, appropriate manner of yore!
    The naughty Three Lil' Bears indeed, B ....

    "Always one to oblige I picked up a plimsol…" says Asa, who is a hero, B, Keeping his adventurous girls on the straight n narrow with necessary , Ol' fashioned, kind yet stern discipline on the (unclothed) orthodox surface.
    Hugs & a bunch of nasty but kind, cul nu martinet & plimsol smackies to you, B.
    No-nonsense, Good Spartan Brenda xx

    1. First and last drawings are from Kane in the 80's
      The link drawing is from Hobbs and signed by Thorn who was a plagiarist.
      Hugs and smackies ;)
      B xx
