
Saturday, May 25, 2024

Experimenting with the same sting...


first coloring without AI
with AI

with AI and yellow skirt
Which one do you prefer ?
A wink for a friend!


You are invited to role-play with us !

  (Adults only) 
Please click the above pic to visit the O&P role play game website...

Furthermore our friend Asa from
Spanking Emporium 
Asa Jones is a story writer, photographer and painter, in one word he is quite an artist!    
 Please click the above pic to visit the Spanking Emporium, and buy one of his book


  1. Still the I colored images require a couple of red stripes on her bum, like it was perfectly done with a first colored pic

  2. Yes, they need your gentle touch /me winks
    Hugggsss 🤗

  3. Ouchiees to botties, B !!
    Love the STING on the last one (five) winks ;-)
    Missy is a candidate for parallel lines or the classic "five-bar-gate" :-)
    And what a perfect, pouting, plumply swelling blank botty-canvas it is, B. Cane stripes like jus de fraises on marshmallows !

    I love the yellow skirt on number 4, B. Very sunny Southern belle.
    Canary yellow we called it (some girls even had matching panties, B, very Church-prim n proper-smart & conservative!!)
    Alternatively, a different sharper shade of lemon yellow. Or the deeper, lusher banana yellow ha-ha! OK !! Enough Americana fashion nostalgia already, B.
    Of course, I always adore your cobalt blues, B.
    Hugs n smackies, dearest: y'all girls sing now,
    "cobalt blue for smackies cul nu !"
    Good Spartan Brenda xx

    1. Thanks for you comments and vote, yellow skirt and yellow knickers done!
      Hugs and smackies ;)
      B xx

    2. Oh my!
      Thanks n spanks
      Huggies n smackies.
      Naughty Southern Yellow Brenda xx
