
Saturday, July 13, 2024

A drawing in the works...

Original B&W
Reworked B&W

Coloring without before AI

AI coloring only

 AI coloring repaired by Tetiana

AI coloring, plus first steps coloring by hand

And voilà!
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  1. "Why yes, Le Martinet was designed for your bare buttocks young lady !"

    Oh my! Lovely artwork here, thank you for all your awesome efforts, dearest, B. This sequence, & your Blog generally, sees me reflecting on the possibility of being raised in France in the 1960s, in stead of Georgia, USA! Oh my! Zut Alors! It is a strong theme, B!

    Well, B, just sister & moi may have gotten the martinet across our bare, white botties from mom when we were naughty, rather than the rattan cane, that she kept in the cupboard!
    I am usually grounded in facts, reality & my own experiences & observations, B as you know - my own corporal punishment in my childhood. And those of my girlfriend besties around y'all in the suburbs. Life was strict & happy in the South _ I do not need fantasy. But, Oh my! The though of being a naughty lil' French girl with all those stingy cute martinets & a strict mother is quite compelling, already. Boo-Hoo ! :-(

    I love the fact that the martinet is designed for our bare princess botties. It does not work over clothes. I love that strong intent & purpose. Pray, the darn design of the lovely implement, B!

    "Yes.....panties down, young lady! I gotten no-argument with the seat of your underwear now. Botties on show at the double. It was not your panties that misbehaved."

    Interesting, that the martinet can be applied to bare legs (front & back of thighs) as sown, as well as bare buttocks. My sister & I did not get our legs smacked....apart from outdoors in the park, or in the store or mall. A few sharp smacks to bare back-of-highs, only. But which then meant a proper spanking with the cane on our bare buttocks when we gotten home !!!!
    Indeed, it was only the bare skin on our botties that felt the cane...(I say only, Ouchieees! AIEEE!)....& not any other part of our anatomy.

    Pray, our conservative mom said that caning our bare botties was kind and necessary. I agree with her, B. She said in accordance with good, traditional parenting, & Christian values; having our bottoms bared for a good caning was simply tough love & kindness. A stinging bottom is harmless.....yet salutary, B!!!!
    Quite right too. Groundings, time outs & naughty steps had not gotten invented in 60s South! Bare red bottoms for daughters were a just rite of passage.

    If bare, skelped bottoms were "kind", then mom said that caning our hands was cruel. And could cause damage. Again, how right she was. I agree. Nature & God gave us daughters a tender-skinned, well-padded place for appropriate chastisement, B
    So as a young girl, I asked mom why she always pulled my panties down for the cane on my bare botty ?

    "Because it is punishment, Brenda!"

    Again, how right she was - correct answer to a rhetorical question, B.
    Mom explained to me as a young girl, that if she were to cane my hands (she did not) then I would not be required to wear gloves. Therefore, when she caned our backsides, we were not required to wear panties!!! The target must be unclothed, bare skin fully exposed. This bare botty rule complied with the Bible & Christian values. Again, we girls never ever questioned this back in yore. The Church was always right, B! It also made perfect sense....that flexible rattan stick stung like absolute Merry Hell on my poor, naked botty over the many years !!! Yup! No need to chastise through protective coverings !!

    Fellow church moms asked me about raising daughters in 1980s Atlanta. Christian Spankings were always on the agenda in Church moms' coffee mornings. I was Spartan & strict, so "cane to bare botty" was always my firm (& only) recommendation. No nonsense! No hesitation. No half-measures.
    Out comes the cane. Down come the panties!
    The (very bare) "seat of learning" for the "rod of correction" - exactly as I had gotten from my own strict, loving mom in the living room 10 & 20 years' earlier in the 1970s & 60s!
    Why, sure whipped me into shape, B.
    Yup! The moms unanimously agreed - some bought canes, others stuck with the traditional leather strap.
    CP good. PC bad.
    Hugs n smackies
    Good Spartan Brenda xx

    1. In the 60/70s French moms first gave classic hand spankings, a few years later it was the martinet, which was also convenient for a few quick strokes on the legs after having raised the naughty girl's skirt. It was quite embarrassing when having overgrown skirts or dresses. A few more years and it was Papa with his belt.
      Most family stopped there, a few continued with a riding stick or la trique, which was actually a cane, by that time the girl was in her late teens.
      Hugs and smackies ;-)
      B xx
