
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Madame Martinet is about to address her daughter's seat of learning...

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  1. Canary yellow pannies ?!
    ...alas, lovely as they are, they gotten pulled down for punishment, once mom had passed sentence. BOO-HOO!
    Why, those panties are such a cute, signature totem of spankings for we lil' naughty girls in the South!!! Most memorable, B, for (strictly raised) Southern belles. I remember !!!

    Oh my! I soooooo love the first pic. Wonderful ! Firstly, our very own Young Rosaleen gotten her bare botty tanned a lot at home, growing up in a strict, religious environment - albeit she gotten the cane, not the martinet. I love the martinet & mom's purposeful stance here. Rosaleen pleads despairingly in defeat. Oh dear! Her poor botty, B !

    But moreover.....those lovely canary yellow panties , B!? Oh my!

    Well, canary yellow was a happy, conservative, compliant colour of choice for daughters in Georgia State in the 1950s n 1960s, B. That is, in my childhood! It was the bright, fashionable colour of choice y'all well-behaved princess's dress n matching panties. Parents choice I must strictly emphasize , B!!! We had no choice. We did exactly as we were told !! Oh my!

    Girls were well-behaved, because if we were naughty, then y'all girls gotten those yellow panties pulled down & our ultra-white botties smacked to a bright shade of a Georgia sundowner.
    And red buttocks sure clashed a bunch with a canary yellow frame of dress n panties, B. I can tell you that !
    Was not a good look :-)

    And so cutting a dash in the princess fashion stakes meant definitely not being naughty at all ! And with strict moms in close proximity, it meant keeping your dress firmly down & keeping your yellow panties firmly up !! ie hugging your soft botty (cosy n hidden), with knicker-elastic safely around your waist - not hugging your knees over mom's knee !!!!!!

    Picture one is just so authentic....a normal & necessary mom/daughter engagement , B !!!! Pray, a common chore or task in traditional homes !!!

    I so love pics 3 & 4 , B. Mommy means business! It's just normal & necessary in my experience, B!!!
    "Pull your panties down, young lady!" Why, mom's command on pic 3 vividly reminds me of that transition of spankings at home in yore, B. That transition for me & my sister (when we gotten the cane) of firstly having our panties pulled down to knees, with our hands on our heads (mom adjusted all clothing in the early years of the 1960s) to then later on, being big girls, and permitted & asked to pull down our own panties for punishment in front of God in the later years (1970s). From tweens to teens as it were, B.

    Yes, the sting of the cane on y'all bare, sensitive, girly-white-botty-skins is the same, B, but the psychological context is different: from pulling your own knicks down (command, relative "permission", ownership & control), to having them pulled down for you by mom as you stand petrified !! It's a fascinating, memorable & nostalgic debate that one, B ?! Boo-Hoo!
    Strict Nostalgic Brenda xx

    1. I edited pics 3 and 4 for them to tell a little story. I should have added tell tale wall clocks...
      Pity that this artist stopped drawing...
      Canary yellow why not, I prefer regulation white., end result being the same after having gone southward!
      Hugs and smackies ;-)
      B xx
