
Saturday, September 14, 2024

A red bum for a poor report card

Please click the above pic by Asa to visit Spanking Emporium...



  1. As someone that has no artistic talent, I mean none, I am always amazed and impressed with what some people create. Very well done.

    1. Thanks, but my talent was only to have a friend who has mentioned these pics...

  2. Appropriate, harmless, Spartan discipline for naughty girls with sensitive-skinned bottoms (no naughty steps needed)
    .....and confirmation, that no bottoms were hurt in the raising of this daughter !!

    Yes, dearest B: "Harmless Hell" depicted in a lovely set of pictures. Why, it sure is good TLC for the soft, sensitive skin on our poor unclothed botties, B!
    She even gotten a Southern belle gingham dress & trad-white panties ha-ha!

    It is the "ferociously kind" maternal discipline that y'all naughty girls need for recalcitrant antics & behaviour.
    Janus called it New Moral Welfare in 1986, but I gotten this exact punishment much earlier at home from mom as a lil' girl in the 1960s & 70s, thank the Lord. Oh my! Sure whipped me into shape.
    Punishment & performative whoopings for bad attitude work !!!

    Cane to bare botty ? Yes, sure thing. Attitude adjustmen par excellence in my book. But...why, there sure is a danger B. A danger that this girl grows up to be a responsible, accountable, well-mannered young lady who is considerate to others! in her civic pride. Indeed, that is what happened to me.

    "Your backside needs a switchin', Brenda ! '" said mother.....and so how the rattan cane would be whistling across my bare white botty at home in the living room, tout de suite a toute vitesse back in the day !! It was a normal & necessary fact of life.

    I called it "cane to bare botty", & my Nigerian moms (besties, who I met at work in the Atlanta Corp) would rueful & nostalgically agree to a "Like mother like daughter" principle & practice, when discussing raising their own daughters. My childhood neighbours back in the 1960s called it "Biblical switchin'!!"

    So names n titles vary, but a sore bottom...or whatever it is called, B, then this set of drawings beautifully illustrates how the punishment can be effectively administered on bare buttocks. Yup! Oh my!

    Pray, I always gotten to say, that I gotten to University because of my chubby, tender-skinned botty (a cane & a strict mom!!) and not if you will, because of my brains!!

    Those lovely 3 girls on the link (from Asa's site) need the exact same "cane to bare botty" punishment, B! And pray, I think they all gotten it in yore !!

    Anon is so right above, B. Your talent & genius is my "daily bread", dearest, B. Thank you for your amazing, special blog.
    Hugs n smackies
    Nostalgic (rueful & tender bottomed) Brenda xx

    1. Thanks for your lovely comments...
      More of these pics to come /me winks...
      Pity I dont know how to use such pic generating software....
      Hugs and smackies ;-)
      B xx
