Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Secretaries part 4

I left Mr Burlington's office still sniffling, and with both hands rubbing my skirted bottom. Then I saw two legal assistants with sarcastic grins, and felt my upper cheeks glowing with shame.

I went to the nearest loo, to sooth my incandescent derriere with a wet flannel and dried my eyes. Then I refrained from rubbing my bum as I went down the grand staircase, and came across two accountants, they had the same sarcastic grins. I was again red face as I realized how the whole building must have heard me bawling like a well punished schoolgirl.

I was glowing when I entered our office, and was relieved that my colleagues didn't have sarcastic grins. They greeted me with warm smiles, and questions. It was no use trying to tap dance. I pitifully admitted. "I was spanked, and my bottom is still on fire."

Anna warmly smiled. "Welcome to the BBBC!" She giggled, and translated the acronym. "Burlington Burning Botty Club!" With that I recovered my smile.

I wriggled in my chair all morning. I twice reread all my work while the words of Mr B echoed, 'next time you will be spanked in front of your colleagues, and I will take down your knickers.'

My colleagues paid for my lunch, and giggled while offering me a second dessert although my thighs had kept their natural color. "Its for your first tanning!"

Later, back home, I could again sit without wriggling, and I didn't tell Mom an Pop about my first spanking. After dinner I found my old Oxford Guide to English Grammar.

I woke up in the middle of the night, I had fell asleep between two pages about the preterit. I mused, you will have to do better or your bottom will pay the price of your laziness.

Next morning, the tall mirror of my bathroom showed that my derriere had recovered its peachy color. I wore another shorter skirt, and Mom frowned, I told her that I am wearing the longest skirt of the office.

Betty and I ran to catch the tram, her mini, shorter than mine flew, a few schoolboys wolf whistled. We sat next to two old biddies who were mumbling, "belt their thighs, and they will keep their skirts down!" Betty laughed, "How's your butt?" I blushed crimson as I shushed her.

For the next two weeks I only made one or two mistakes out of my weekly quota of four. Each week Mr B had sent me an email with compliments, " are learning, well done!" I was quite proud of myself. I mused, maybe you had needed to be spanked to apply yourself...

At night I dreamed... what if you did a year of paralegal training after your secretarial school... that would for sure be better than being a mere secretary...

A day later, Mr Burlington entered our office, and he looked as if smoke was coming out of his ears. He bellowed. "Maria! It isn't the first time that I told you  to check the references! The letter for Anglia Machinery should have mentioned article 37 paragraphs B and C, not 27-C-D. I understand about typos, but three mistakes into one reference is asking for my tawse across your bare bottom."

She blushed as she stammered "Ah... huh... I am ve... ve... very sorry... Sir."

She didn't have time for more. "Skirt and knickers off!"

She was red face as she obeyed. As soon as she had dropped her frilly pink knickers on her desk she covered her muff with both hands, and kept her head down.

"Hands on top of your head!" She couldn't blush any redder, and I blushed as well.

Then we followed her to the secretariat's back room, and she leaned over the strange contraption which had intrigued me on my first day.

Next was a resounding SMACK!, and I discovered that a tawse is a triple belt.

She echoed that with a very convincing. "AIEEEEEE!" And kept her legs tightly closed.

After two of the same to her bum she got one across her upper thighs. Then Mr Burlington changed side, and three more warmed her butt from the left side, before concluding with another one to her thighs. This time she did a stomping dance which revealed what she had tried to hide.

Her following, OUCH! and OUCHEEE! were evidence that she was well convinced to better reread her work.

She was told to stand in the corner with her hands above her head for twenty minutes. Her bum and her upper thighs were crimson, and she danced on the spot into her corner. I imagined that her derriere must have been as hot as the Hades.

When the buzzer rang she hurriedly rubbed her glowing bum before pulling up her skirt. Then she hung her frilly knickers to the peg by her filing cabinet. They were in plain view to whoever would be visiting our office, and there could be no doubt that is was her knickers since that filling cabinet was attached to her desk. I couldn't help looking at my own filling cabinet and the same peg.

Anna answered my silent question. "It is said that Sally invented the miniskirt challenge, and Lucy dared her to go bare butt after a skelping."

She wriggled in her chair as she edited that letter, and once she had emailed it she rushed to the lavatory. I had no doubt that she was further rubbing her incandescent derriere with a wet flannel.

An hour later it was time for lunch. As yesterday we went to the local food court where they take the generous Burlington lunch vouchers. We shared the cost of Maria's meal, plus an extra dessert.

Lisa and co

To be continued...


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Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Secretaries part 3

Next morning we were all ten minutes in advance. Anna's skirt was longer than the one she wore yesterday. It was just about touching her knees. I wasn't surprised after the belting she got yesterday for being late.

Wearing a pair of jeans would have been safer, but that was unthinkable. I remembered Mrs Burlington having told Betty and I, that she would sent us back home with a burning bottom if we came dressed as truck drivers.

Maria teased her colleague. "Did your boyfriend kiss your bum?"

She blushed crimson, and we understood that he had indeed kissed it. Maria laughed. "Good! Its the least he could do for having made you late, and Mrs B giving you the belt for that."

I day dreamed that I would love to have a boyfriend kissing my bum. Betty must have read my mind as she teased. "Don't forget the part about the bare butt belting!"

Then my machine chimed, "You've got mail!" It was Mr Burlington. "Lisa! If you continue making silly spelling and grammar mistakes, I will spank you as a lazy schoolgirl. From today, and till the end of the week, I am granting you a credit of four mistakes, it you exceed that quota you will be spanked!"

I quickly answered, "Yes Sir. I am sorry Sir. I will better apply myself! Respectfully, Lisa." As I pressed sent, I realized that I had promised to improve my spelling, and formally agreed to be punished if I didn't. Mr B's words echoed between my ears. "You will be spanked!"

I was very careful, and before the end of the day I got another email from Mr Burlington. "You only have two mistakes left on your quota!"

Next morning Anna was back to wearing one of her usual miniskirts, and Maria's mini looked even shorter. Betty and I were quite surprised to see them kneeling on the floor next to their desks, and measuring the distance between the hem of their skirts and the floor.

Maria summed up,"Twenty two cm for you and only nineteen for me, you win!"

Anna explained. "We have an ongoing miniskirt competition. I won, Maria will be paying for my lunch. Would you like to compete?"

Betty didn't hesitate, and her mini was seventeen cm above the floor. I wasn't too enthusiastic, but they teased me, and my skirt was measured at a prudish twelve cm from the floor.

I blushed as they further teased. "How do you expect to catch a boy with such a nun's skirt!" I  eventually agreed to compete, but I had to ask about the belting, and wearing such a short mini. Anna laughed! "Lets call it occupational hazard!"

Maria added. "If you apply yourself you won't be belted, and if you have the shortest mini of the day you will also get a free lunch!"

Betty reasoned. "Its quite an incentive to be a good girl!"

I blushed as I asked. "What if you had your thighs smacked?"

Anna was again laughing. "Then you will be extra careful to keep your skirt down, and we'll pay for you to have an extra dessert!"

Maria must have seen that I was confused and explained. "Its a tradition, it is said that to have been started by Sally and Lucy, tow of the legal assistants from upstairs. They were competing, and spiced it up with the challenge of wearing the shortest mini and taking the risk of showing their reddened thighs if they failed to do their best."

Anna giggled. "I wasn't careful enough, and Josh had an eyeful, and he's now my boyfriend!"


Maria added. "Ask yourself, do you want to be a cashier at a supermarket or a secretary?"

With that the little wheels between my ears spun. "One can't have an omelette without breaking a few eggs... I don't want to be a cashier... I want a boyfriend... I have to improve my spelling and grammar or I'll fail... Anyway its too late to back out, you already agreed about being spanked for your mistakes..."

I decided to go along with my colleague's miniskirt competition, and the next day I was wearing a shorter skirt. Betty won over Anna with 23 cm. I guessed I'll never be able to wear such a short skirt without blushing as a peony every time someone watches my legs.

We had barely started our day when I had an email from Mr Burlington. "Lisa, ten mistakes, and they aren't typos, they are all about spelling and grammar. I am going to give you the spanking I promised you. I am waiting for you in my office!"

I had a loud "OH!" and my colleagues rushed to read my screen. "You better not keep him waiting!"

I had butterflies on steroids in my tummy as I knocked on the door with the gold plate. I wanted to again go to the loos, but I heard, "Come in!"

I stood in front of his desk with a blush while he lectured me. "Mrs Pearson, your Principal at the Secretarial School told me that you barely made the grade for your second year. She added that it is a pity that she couldn't give you a good belting!"

I was tugging down my short skirt, and blushing the more as he said. "Today you won't be getting a belting, only a spanking, let it be a warning! Raise your skirt, and come over my knees like a naughty schoolgirl!"

For a few very very long nanoseconds I was frozen on the spot. I was in front of the Rubicon. I felt myself glowing as I slowly raised my skirt, he helped bend over his knees.

The little wheels between my ears were again spinning. You had it coming... You are going to get it... I have never been spanked... How much will it hurt? You are soon going to find out!

Two loud smacks, and I echoed them with AIE! and OUCH!

After those two it was a concerto!


It was a burning inferno! I was wriggling my bum to avoid the fiery smacks, but Mr B was firmly holding me, and I couldn't escape any of them. I felt like I had received a thousand of those scorching smacks.

As soon as I was allowed to stand both my hands went to rub my incandescent butt, and Mr Burlington issued a stern warning.

"That was long overdue. You better apply yourself, next time you will be spanked in front of your colleagues, and I will take down your knickers!"

"Sniff... sniff..."

"Keep your skirt up, and face that wall with your hands atop your head".

Lisa and co

To be continued...


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