Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Student part 16

Saturday morning I was in the corner with my skirt and knickers around my ankles, to expose my well taught seat of learning thanks to a dozen strokes of Monsieur's belt. We had an early morning homework session because we are expecting the visit of his daughter, and I messed up a simple exercise. I was praying that my ten minutes of corner time would be up before her arrival, and my skirt hiding my shameful punishment.
No such luck, the doorbell has just chimed, and Lisa is already opening the door. I adjusted my hands atop my head to further fold my elbows and tried to disappear into my corner.
"Good morning Ma'am, I am Lisa."
"Please to meet you dear Lisa, may I introduce my older daughter Bérénice who is eighteen."
"Bonjour Mademoiselle."
"Please call me Lisa."
"Then I'll be only Bérénice."
"And who is the naughty girl in the corner?"
"Trish, huh, I mean Patricia, my roommate."
I now had to turn around to face them and curtsy. I of course, couldn't avoid showing my curls and shamefully glowed. They both greeted me with kind smiles, and her daughter seemed to have blushed.
I was returning their greetings when Monsieur appeared, and told that my corner time was up. He hugged and exchanged pecks on each cheek with his daughter and granddaughter while I hurriedly pulled up my knickers and skirt. I also couldn't help rubbing my still blazing bum.
Adèle, his old maid, was behind Monsieur, and she exchanged bises on each cheek with his daughter and granddaughter.
Bérénice was told to help us serve canapés and apéritifs. She very obediently said, "Oui, Maman."
As we had sat for lunch Monsieur's daughter announced that she is to take command of the Kourou air force base. She smiled, as she added for her father. "It might mean my third star, and I will have caught up with you!"
"Get a fourth one, and I'll be happy to be saluting you first!"
She also told that her daughter wants to be a ballerina. "...but she failed her choryphée exam at the Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris. She will retake it after a term at L'Académie de Danse de Madame Margot."
Monsieur questioned his daughter. "Your idea or your mother's?"
"Mine, but she has fully agreed."
Bérénice confirmed that with a smile.
"Is that academy any good, and full board?"
"Its full board and the best. Madame Margot isn't a softy!"
Bérénice had blushed for that last comment from her mother.
Monsieur offered. "While you are in Kourou, she is welcome to say with me on weekends, but she will be subjected to the same discipline as Patricia and Lisa."
His daughter thanked him, and after after lunch, Bérénice was told to get her blue tutu, and to show us what she can do."
Lisa got her violin, Monsieur and his daughter sat at the two pianos. I was asked to take a tambourine, and we played La Bayadère.
Bérénice surprised us by her graceful dancing. 
 She seemed to fly above the parquet floor of the lounge. We also saw how her petite culotte couldn't fully hide her well reddened derriere.
 We all enthusiastically applauded as she bowed.

  After having warmly complimented her, Monsieur turned to me. "Patricia, please tell Bérénice what happens when you have been punished at your private lessons."
"We have to stand bare bum in the corner for ten minutes."
"Bérénice, you have been punished at your dance academy, haven't you?"
Head down she confessed. "Oui Pappy."
"Take off your tutu and knickers, and stand in the corner with your hands atop your head for ten minutes."
"Pappy please! It is so embarrassing!"
"Hasn't your mother ever made you stand in the corner?"
"Yes, but it isn't the same!"

Monsieur laughed. "It isn't the same because Lisa and Patricia will see your red moon!"
Then he admonished her. "You knew how severe that dance academy would be, and you choose it nonetheless, and you have have been punished. You will now further assume your choice and your punishment with standing bare ass in the corner for ten minutes."
She pouted, and her mother added. "Cul nu! Now, before I tell Lisa to get the cane!"
She lowered her head to accept defeat, and to hide her red face as she took off her tutu, and blushed as red as a tomato when she lowered her knickers. Once she stood in the corner, we could count the strokes of the cane Madame Margot had given her. It was indeed six of the best.

 A month later, with Monsieur, we collected her from the airport for her first weekend with us. I was driving with an A on the rear window, and she teased. "Did Pappy teach you? Did he spank your on the curbside when you messed up."
Monsieur laughed. "I will start teaching you this weekend, and a spanking on the curbside is an excellent idea!"
Once at home, she left her weekly report card on the dinning room table, and without been told she went to the house's dedicated corner, unbuttoned her pleated skirt which dropped into a puddle around her ankles. 
We then spotted the wide purple marks of a belting escaping her knickers. Then she started blushing as she lowered her knickers. 
 She let go of them as they had reached mid tights, and they fluttered down her legs till resting on top of her skirt. She was then blushing as red as her well decorated bum. There was no doubt, Bébé had been a naughty girl, and was well punished.
Later, we told her of our first taste of the cane, and she told the whole story about that dancing lesson...

Patricia and Lisa
To be continued...
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