Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Student new part 10

Monday had come back without being asked. I had to tell Lisa to stop trying to adjust her skimpy running shorts, and to hurry up. I ran down to the terrace over looking the tennis court with Lisa in tow. Monsieur welcomed us with. "Punctuality is the courtesy of kings and princesses!"
After Tai Chi exercises which he slowly demonstrated for Lisa, we run. I went full bananas as I had learned to do these last few months, and my time was good. Lisa was behind. I was expecting Monsieur to spank her, but was surprised when he said. "Since you have received the martinet only two days ago and since its still showing I won't spank you, but you need an incentive. Take off your shorts and run again!"
She blushed crimson as she took off her shorts to reveal a cute pink petite culotte. I was told that running again would do me a world of good, and I teased her as I ran alongside her. 
 "Even your ears are blushing!"
"Huff ... puff ... huff ... grgrgrgrgr!"
Next was showers, and I told her to go first. A few seconds later I wasn't too surprised when she shouted. "Argh! Its cold!"
I educated her. "Hot water is only on weekends, and cold water is good for your titties, it keeps them firm and perky!"
"Be sure to properly wash your hair and, fuzzy peach!"
I was next and didn't exactly enjoyed the cold shower, but I knew what to expect. Having dressed with our pleated skirts above our knees we checked each other to make sure that we didn't exhibit the fading evidences of our punishments. I already knew that, but Lisa had to be reassured. "If you behave yourself as a proper young lady, and refrain from doing a hand stand no one will know."
We prepared breakfast, and when we brought it into the dining room, Monsieur complimented us. "As fresh as daisies, and with rosy cheeks!"
 We greeted Adele who had just arrived, and Monsieur added.
"Work well in school and tell us out loud what will happen if you don't!"
"Aye Sir, a bare ass spanking as a lazy little girl!"
"Oui Monsieur, une fessée cul nu comme une paresseuse petite fille!"
Adele had heard, and needless to say that we were blushing when we hopped on our bikes with backpacks for our books and tablet-pc. It was only a fifteen minutes ride to the uni, and we carefully sat on our skirts. As we locked our bikes we had a couple of boys gravitating around us.
Lisa reflected that she had never attracted so much attention.
"It must be our skirts."
I chimed back. "They aren't that short, but they are pleated, and boys are for sure hoping to see them fly!"
After lunch at the uni's cafeteria we sat with a few friends by the fountain of the small nearby park. Two boys that we wouldn't dare introduce to our parents came teasing, and they were quite rude. Alors les gouines!"
One of them smacked Lisa's bum with one hand and grabbed her shoulder with the other. I peeled his hand from her shoulder with twisting one of his fingers in a simple Aikido hold Monsieur had taught me. He tried to fight it which made it worse for him. Aikido is about using the strength of your opponent. I brought him onto his knees, and told him to apologize to Lisa.
He didn't have to. I had to release him when his friend had me spinning on the spot, and punched the corner of my mouth. I tasted blood, which made me furious.
He had made the mistake of being too close to me, and my knee none too kindly encountered his family jewels. I added a left hook to his lower ribs which winded him. Then I grabbed his shirt and prepared to punch him square on the nose, but stopped. "Now I have a dilemma, do I break your nose or your teeth, and why not both?"
I saw fear in his eyes, and only tripped him till he fell on his butt with one hand on his groin.
Meanwhile his friend had recovered, and charged as a bull. I avoided him. Shouted, "Ole!" as a matador, and kicked his butt which had him crashing head first.
Then Lisa and our friends started kicking the two of them.
These yahoos had another friend who had seen it all, and came running. He faced me with a lousy Karate guard. I remembered Monsieur having taught me.
"Take a step back to make him feel confident. If he marches onto you, it means that he took the bait, and you will have a split second advantage to take two steps forward, and aim your best kick to his nuts. Retreat immediately in case you have missed."
I didn't kick his nuts. I had noticed is pitiful Karate guard, and showed off for Lisa and our friends. I had fun with a split kick to his chin. Monsieur wouldn't have approved such a risky kick. I didn't have to retreat, he dropped on his knees.
On the way back to class, Lisa gently dabbed my bloody lip.
"They saw your naughty knickers!"
I laughed.
She wanted to know when I had learned to fight like that. I whispered only for her. "Monsieur taught me, and he will teach you once you have understood Tai Chi breathing."
Patricia and Lisa
To be continued...

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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Bring the cane...

Pic created by our friend Asa

Oaks and Pines Role Play Game

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