Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Secretaries - part 5

I felt the gaze of a dishy accountant going up under my skirt while I was up the tall step ladder of the archives. I couldn't help blushing as I refrained myself from tugging down my skirt or hurrying down that ladder. I mused... You want a boyfriend, yes or no? I do! Then let him enjoy the view! As I reach for the archive box I needed, I knew I was showing him my latest naughty knickers, and blushed the more.

 I was glowing as I went down the step ladder. He reached for the box with a wide grin and, "Let me help you with that." I gave him the box with a blushing smile. He introduced himself as Mathew, and I replied with saying that I am Lisa. He asked if I needed another archive box. I gave him the reference, and he got it for me. He carried one of these boxes as he accompanied me back to my office.

Once he had left, my colleagues teased.

"What did you do to him?"

"She had him look under her skirt while on the archive step ladder."

"Haven't you seen his eyes? She must have also showed him her knickers!"

They applauded. "Bravo! He's yours, he's in the bag!"

I proudly glowed!

Just then the dishy tech entered our office with a cheerful, "Good morning girls! I have to update your machines, it won't take more than a few minutes, please save your work."

I saw Betty discreetly opening her blouse, and a minute later she had bent forward to ask him a silly question about Outlook. His eyes just about popped out of his head! She had to repeat her question!

When he had left we applauded her, and told her to close her blouse before being caught by Mrs Burlington! 

A days later, Mr B entered our office with purpose. "Lisa! Four mistake in that court report! Come here!"

He had pulled a chair, and sat when I stood by him. "Over my knees for a well deserved spanking naughty girl!"

I was already blushing, but that was nothing with the glow I felt when he raised my skirt. "I had promised you are bare ass spanking in front of your colleagues, and it is what you are now going to get!"

Having said he helped me over his lap, and lowered my little knickers, and I had a hot flush of shame as I felt my bottom being exposed. I tightly closed my legs...

Then he smacked my bum even more severely than for my first spanking! Our office echoed with the sound of loud smacking and me addressing them with AIE! and OUCH!


My butt was fiercely burning and I wriggled, and he didn't like that, and smacked my thighs, and I couldn't keep my legs together.

He grabbed my hair and smacked faster, and alternated between my bum and my thighs. I wriggled and pedaled the more and knew that I was showing everything I have.  

Oh! the shame of it!

I was sniffling, and he started counting, "99", SMACK! "98", SMACK! "97"... I didn't know how many smacks I had received, and my butt was already on fire. I understood that I was going to get a hundred more. 

I cried, and endured it all till slumping on his knees with my legs shamefully opened. I now knew how a severe bare butt spanking feels like.

He helped me stand. "Pull your skirt up to your navel!

Take off your knickers, hang from from your peg, and go in the corner with your hands atop your head."

I obeyed, and with showing my curls to everyone I hang my knickers from my peg before going in the corner. I wriggled with my hands atop my head, and it didn't help my throbbing bum and thighs.

The timer slowly ticked, and my prayer that no one would be visiting our office weren't answered. I tried to disappear into the corner, and didn't see who it was, and hoped that it wasn't Mathew.

The timer eventually buzzed, and I hurriedly lowered my skirt and rushed into the loo to rub my scorched derriere with a wet towel.

Ten minutes later, it was time for lunch. I wouldn't have minded to skip lunch, but I remembered how Maria came with us after her tawsing. I won't be called a chicken.

Betty whispered. "Stop tugging your skirt, everyone will be guessing that you have been spanked!"

I felt my bare, very bare bum, and everything bare under my miniskirt which felt even shorter. I also felt the hem of my skirt caressing my burning thighs, and couldn't help tugging it.

Betty tried to reassure me. "It isn't that bad!"

I sat with a relief, and felt the surprisingly cold plastic chair on my thighs. I again hastily tugged my dress.

Anna winked. "Look who's at the table over there!"

It was Mathew my accountant, and he was smiling for me. I had taken a very fast and discreet peek, and hurriedly had my eyes back onto my plate.

Anna laughed. "Is that it? Only a shy peek as a mice!"

Maria added. "Come on girl! Give him your best smile!"

Betty poked me, and I took another peek and smiled. He winked!

I had a victorious blush.

Anna teased. "Phew, my chums at Saint Marie were more forward!"

Lisa and co

To be continued...


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