Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Student new - part 13

Sunday morning we slept late and woke up with a hang over. It could have been worse without the Alka Seltzer Monsieur gave us before bed. We were thankful that we didn't have to get up early to prepare breakfast. He had prepared coffee and mixed fruit salad for us. It was real nice of him, and we were sheepish.
Last night, when we were brought back home in a squad car, he had that special frown, the one which means bare ass spanking.
After having had another Alka Seltzer he surprised us. "There's nothing wrong with having a few drinks, as long as you don't drive, and behave yourselves, but you were expelled from a discotheque and fined for disorderly conduct."
"We're sorry Sir!"
"Very sorry!"
"When my daughter did the exact same thing and was brought back home by the same police officer as you, I gave her six strokes of the cane."
Just then the bell of the front door chimed. Lisa was told to open. She came back with our neighbor Alicia who was returning our cane with quite a blush.
She stammered. "Pa... Pa... Papa thanks you for having lent us your cane."
"How many strokes were you given Alicia?" Asked Monsieur.
"It was six, Sir."
As she said that she blushed crimson, and rubbed her skirted bottom. I almost smiled when I saw that Lisa was also rubbing her bum.
Monsieur took the cane from Alicia with saying. "Run along Alicia, and lets hope that you have learned your lesson."
She didn't need Lisa to accompany her, she disappeared.
Monsieur was flexing the cane as he asked. "Do you agree that you deserve to be punished?"
We both shyly whispered. "Yes Sir."
"I can't hear you, louder, I deserve to be punished, Sir!" He sternly told us.
I was first. "I deserve to be punished, Sir!" Lisa followed a second later.
"Very well, take off your skirts and knickers."
We obeyed. Taking off my knickers was more embarrassing than my skirt, and I quickly had my hands covering my muff.
"Hands on top of your head Patricia."
I felt a warm glow as I clasped my hands on top of my head, and kept my legs tightly closed as if I was going to hide anything.
Lisa was to be first and ordered to grab the mantle of the chimney. She soon fully exposed her moon, and I imagined her shame when the tip of the cane tapped her inner thighs to tell her to spread her legs. She barely parted them, but a none too gentle flick of the cane across her thighs convinced her to open them wider. I understood that it was going to be la grande punition.
Her first stroke whistled through the air before severely smacking her bum. She bellowed. "AIEE! OUCHEEE!" and danced on the spot while rubbing the quickly reddening white stripe etched across her butt.
Monsieur admonished her. "If you are again breaking your position the stroke will be repeated, grab the mantle of the chimney."
She again offered her derriere for chastisement with her legs shamefully parted. I felt goose bumps tickling my bum. She got five more strokes, and her butt was well decorated when she was told to stand in the corner without having had a chance to rub.
I was next.
 I thought I had parted my legs more than enough, but my thighs felt a strip of fire. I further opened my my legs, and understood the full meaning of cul nu. It was lucky that Adele was on her day off, I nonetheless felt my ears tickling from a shameful blush.

 I danced on the spot, but kept my hands on the chimney's mantle while that first stroke clawed my derriere.
For my second stroke I had let go of the mantle, and danced the same jig as Lisa. "AIEE! OUCHEEE!"
I was encouraged to retake the position of the naughty girl to be chastised with a stingy strokes across my thighs.

I again grabbed the mantle and showed my sherry to the world, but the third stroke soon distracted me from such mundane detail. I sang. "OH! AH! AIE! OUCH!"
After three more strokes my bottom was incandescent, and I was sniffling. I was well punished when I joined Lisa in the corner.

I had to clench my hands atop my head to refrain from rubbing my scorched bum. As Lisa I wriggled it, but that didn't help. We were going to be bare burning ass in the corner for ten long, very long minutes.
Monsieur warned us. "Six strokes is the basic caning, but remember that my daughter had eight after having twice failed the same exam. Therefore if you repeat such shenanigan its eight strokes!"
With that he started to set up the table for lunch, and we saw that he had added extra cushions on our seats.
We whispered in the corner. "J'ai le feu au cul!"
"Silly! Not that kind of feu au cul!"
I laughed the more.
Patricia and Lisa
To be continued...
NB : In French slang 'avoir le feu au cul' means having the hots.
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Saturday, February 22, 2025

100% spanked -part3/3

From our friend Jayent 🤗

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