Thursday, March 3, 2022

OTK story

Please click the above pic!


  1. Resonance of smacked bottoms

    You sure pick' em, B. Always lovely. With intrepid anticipation, I boldly coveted this exact type of simple no-nonsense montage back in the mid to late 1970s with Janus & Roue arriving in store!
    The "lucky dip" surprise was unbearable :-)
    And then again with Blushes here above, from around 1984. Can you hear the fierce smackie-botties resounding down the corridor, B ? :-)
    Boo-Hoos a bunch.
    Hugs n thanks,
    Brenda xx

  2. Yes, it is about Blushes and that old guy who had such a hard job...
    Hugs and smackies
    B xx

  3. Definitely a hard something, B.
    Brenda xx
