Friday, June 21, 2024

Sent home with a pink slip...

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  (Adults only) 




  1. Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! It doesn't get any better than this, B: "Polly's Punishments". And Brenda's punishments too!!!

    Authentic Janus of old. More than visceral for me: cane to bare botty is exactly what sister & I gotten from mom, back in the 60s & 70s if we were sent home with a pink slip!!! Perish the thought, how very dare we !!!! Quite right too in my opinion, B. No need for naughty steps. Oh my!
    Photos 4 & 5 really STING! eh B ?!!! I can hear the resounding SMACK of the rattan, and the terrible cane bouncing off Polly's exposed, tender-soft fundaments, B. And she sure deserves it.

    Why, I ruefully recall the whole "baring & whooping" process of punishment from mom. And I also remember seeing this awesome sequence & narrative the very first time in Janus, volume 19, B. Well, it was the summer of 1982, B. This edition, 19, was a particularly mesmerizing and compelling edition of Janus for me, already.
    Forty two years' ago, B: it's timeless, frankly!!

    And photos 4 & 5 will naturally be at the front of my memoirs, already!
    The whole scene is beyond sublime: first photo, of course. GULP!
    Love the prep in photo 2. Poor Polly's Botty, B :-) But it was simply normal & necessary discipline, really. Smacked bottoms were a fact of life.

    Indeed, when those pioneering, wise Janus editors in the 1970s said that naughty daughters at home should get a "sensible knickers-down caning", then it does not get any more evidential and visual than this !! VOILA!
    Big huggies n smackies with the that nasty cane. Boo-Hoo, B :-(
    Nostalgic if Rueful Brenda xx

    1. Thanks for your great comments!
      Timeless indeed, and have you spotted which pics were rejuvenated with AI colorizing ?
      Hugs and spackies ;-)
      B xx

  2. Purple Polly in UV

    Well, photo one and the link photo, B ?
    First photo is fabulous.
    I do love her school tie which is your signature zany violet colour, B.
    Also has an overall purple haze & almost sepia-tint from your AI work, B. Lovely! Gives naughty Polly's hair & eye-liner an electric, glittery allure ?!
    Without getting too French & existential already, B :-) xx
    .....I think the violet glitter contrasts so beautifully with the Spartan yet necessary, raw-botty-skin treatment.
    "It is punishment Brenda". Oh dear, I can here mom saying it now, looking at photo 5 ruefully. Ouchieees!
    Hugs n smackies, dearest, B. Well. like photos 4 & 5 !!
    Good Lady Brenda xx

    1. Correct, pic 1 and the link were AI colored with the latest tech, which means less sepia, and real colors for her tie !
      I like the socks, more realistic than white.
      Hugs and smackies 😉
      B xx
