Saturday, February 8, 2025

100% spanked - part 1/3

 From our friend Jayent 🤗


Oaks and Pines Role Play Game

 You are invited to join our free role play game 


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  (Adults only) 


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  1. Absolut.....fessee cul nu ?
    Absolument !

    I sooooo love this, B. Miss Szabo is a superhero :-)
    Parents send their daughters to Oaks & Pines knowing that proper discipline will be administered on the bare, orthodox surface.
    How reassuring , B !
    And this is a key point of difference among educational academies :-)
    No wishy-washy nonsense I am pleased to see !
    Hugs n smackies dearest, B.
    Good Spartan Absolut Brenda xx

  2. C'est même pas traduit en Français !! 😡

    1. Sorry dear friend, Jayent who created that, doesn't understand more than a few words of French.
      B :-)
