Saturday, February 1, 2025

Bring the cane...

Pic created by our friend Asa

Oaks and Pines Role Play Game

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 Furthermore our friend Asa from


Please click the above AI pic created by Asa to access his Spanking Emporium...



  1. Oh my! Oh my! Drawing two is beyond, B :-)

    This is an AI alt of an original, iconic photo from Janus, I recall, or Roue (or even possibly Blushes ) This amazing original black n white photo can been seen right here, right now on :-)

    Gymshoe69.tumblr on the final page, 175, B :-)

    For me, at its simplest, its my sister getting the cane from mom!
    (Drawing 2 above even has some semblance of Southern tan lines & trademark white buttocks !) But a metaphor & translation of the original B&W photo, it's so much more powerful, meaningful & spiritual, dearest B....and pray, even the school, writing books on the table are a copy :-)

    What a puppy-faced, soft-bottomed princess brat she is on photos 3 & 4, B. Cane to bottyland ! Another iconic tartan image this is, already (she's on your blog a lot, B, poor lil' mite, ha-ha! )

    Oh yes! Love the "cane as a gift" on pictures 1 & 5.

    What a great posy today, thank you. Will comment on Pom- Pom part 2 later, B xx
    Hugs n nasty smackabots to ya !
    Good Spartan (Nostalgic) Brenda xx

    1. Yes pic 2 was b&w, well spotted!
      And its a case of colorizing not improving a b&w pic.
      On the other hand pic 5 was b&w and colorizing did kinda improve it...
      And Puppy-face was indeed presented before, but was with a tawse...
      AI pic 1 of Asa and pic 5 which isn't AI, both look so real...
      And AI pic of Asa and the AI pic for the link both share a cane being added, because AI hadnt cooperated ;)
      And after the tech comments, my visceral choices are pic 1 and 6...
      Hugs and smackies 😉
      B xx

  2. Thank you as always Brigitte, I gave you a plug on X today.....Asa xxhugxx
