had little doubts. Yesterday, our biology and chemistry professor, also
known as Froggy, must have seen the cane stripes escaping our knickers
when a nasty wind blew our skirts as we rode off on our bikes.
our bums were no longer sore, but the bathroom mirror showed that our
cane stripes, although fading, were still quite obvious. Later, in
class, when Froggy announced a quiz I almost felt them coming back to
sighed, and almost heard Lisa sigh as well. Keeping our butts safe from
la fessée du général has always been a struggle with biology and
chemistry, we rarely had his required 14/20 average.
was a tough quiz. Halfway through it I knew I was going to be given the
martinet, and by the end of it I could only pray to avoid the belt.
As we rode our bikes back home Lisa confessed. "Its for sure the belt for me."
"We should have better prepared..."
"Yes, we have asked for it!"
"We need more help with bio and chem."
such a somber prospect we calmed our nerves with playing Schubert's
Fantaisie for piano and violin. Lisa with her violin and me at the
piano. Monsieur joined us with the second piano. It was a relaxing
interlude which prepared us for our math and physic homework with his
help. He was happy with our efforts and opened a bottle of great wine
for dinner. We warmed up the salmon steaks prepared by Adele.
Next day Froggy gave us back our corrected quiz before dismissing us. I blushed as I read. 10.50/20 Patricia deserves une sévère fessée. Signed : Prof Fernand Severus
glowing cheeks must have been spotted, one of the lads snatched my
quiz, and read aloud. "Patricia deserves a severe spanking!"
jumped to her feet, and grabbed his wrist as Monsieur had taught us
with his Aikido lessons. The lad dropped my quiz, and I picked it up.
Lisa hissed. "Apologize or I'll break a finger." The guy pitifully
apologized with a painful grimace.
few minutes later, between classes, the girlfriend of that lad, none
too discreetly, told that Lisa's quiz was also annotated with deserving
la fessée. She also mentioned two more girls, and the four of us were
teased with a chorus of, "La fessée cul nu pour les paresseuses!"
joined forces, and cornered the loudest mouths. Although more discreet
the teasing continued. We couldn't help being embarrassed from the
knowledge that every one now knows that we are given la fessée for poor
grades as if teenage schoolgirls. At twenty two it was indeed a blushing
These two girls eventually told us that Froggy gives them private lessons. They poked each other, "You tell them!"
"No! You, tell them."
They turned as red as tomatoes as they confessed that he gives them the martinet.
"And its a real mean martinet!"
home we gave Monsieur our corrected quizzes, and were quite surprised
when he said. "I am sorry, biology and chemistry aren't my forte. They
are not priorities for the military academy. I'll call your parents, and
recommend private lessons." We were spared the belt, and didn't ask for
week later, Froggy aka Prof Severus, welcomed us and these two other
girls with: "The four of you will get the fessée you deserve for that
quiz. Knickers off and hang them from those pegs."
Red face we took off our knickers off as discreetly as possible. Considering his next order, we shouldn't have bothered.
"Hold your skirts up, front and back."
blushed the more, and he alternated between us with that martinet. It
did a good job of decorating our bums and thighs, back and front. Boy
did we dance, and we had a concerto of, "OH! AH! OUCH! AIE!"
next sat on stools in front of old fashion school desks, I felt quite
self conscious of sitting bare bum after a martinet whipping. Froggy
took the time to have us work each of the mistakes we had made in his
the following weeks, our grades improved, and we soon had the four best
grades of the bio and chem classes. We also competed among ourselves to
be on top of his class. We were nonetheless still teased with chants of
"Le bare ass spanking club!" They were careful to keep out of our
reach, and we could never help having a blushing competition when we
heard their teasing.
each of Froggy's private lessons, we had to tell Monsieur if we were
punished. There was no point trying to hide it. We knew that he would
discover it when having our tennis lessons or morning runs.
would then be given ten minutes of corner time with our hands atop our
heads and our skirts and knickers around our ankles. If visitors such as
the mailman or a neighbor happen to drop by, we further pushed our
noses into the corner to hide our shameful glow.
day we had the surprise to have one of the teasers joining Froggy's
private lessons. We had a ball teasing her for her first martinet
dancing lesson, but we also welcomed her.
Patricia and Lisa
To be continued...
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